释义 |
前前 | 1057C10 80.00 | 部居
| 畫數 9 | ㄑㄧㄢˊ [qian2] | V.i. | (LL) to go forward: 勇往直前 march forward fearlessly; 不前 to hang back.
| Adj. | (1) In front, forward: 前面,前邊 [qian2mian4], [qian2bian1]↓; 前排 the front row; 前鋒 [qian2feng1]↓; 前呼後擁 (of important personage) with escorts in front and behind; 前仰後合 stagger forward and back; 前仆後繼 (in battle) as those in front fall, those behind take up their positions; 前車可鑒 where a car in front flounders serves as warning to those behind-learn from s.o.’s past mistakes; 前前後後 from front to rear, altogether; 向前 forward; 目前,眼前 at present (“close before one's eyes”); 面前 in s.o.’s presence. (2) Preceding: 前夜 night before last; 前天,前日,前年 [qian2tian1], [qian2ri4], [qian2nian2]↓; 前月 preceding month; 前夫,前妻 former husband, wife; 前任總統 the former president; 前總統,首相 ex-president, ex-premier; 前次 the last time; 前度劉郎 phr., former lover comes back; 前功盡棄 all previous work undone. (3) Past, of earlier times: 前王,前朝 the past kings, dynasty, -ies; 前哲,前賢,前脩 the wise men of the past; 前愆 former mistakes; 盡捐前嫌 let bygones be bygones, forget the past animosity between two parties; 前無古人 unprecedented (character, event).
| Adv. | (1) Forward: 前來 come forward; 前往 go forward or to some definite place; 前往法國 go to France; 往前走 go forward. (2) Ahead, beforehand: 前定 predestined, decided beforehand; 前知 have prescience, to know beforehand, prophesy.
| Words | 1. 前輩 [qian2bei4], n., the elder generation (uncles, older alumni). 2. 前邊 [qian2bian1], adv., in front. 3. 前塵 [qian2chen2], n., (“old track”) the past: 回首前塵 to recall the past events. 4. 前程 [qian2cheng2], n., prospect, future career: 前程保不住了 I am afraid (his) career is finished. 5. 前妻 [qian2qi1], n., former wife. 6. 前情 [qian2qing2], n., (1) preceding circumstances; (2) the past (between lovers). 7. 前驅 [qian2qU1], n., forerunner, vanguard. 8. 前導 [qian2dao3], n., pioneer, one who shows the way (also 先導). 9. 前定 [qian2ding4], adj., predestined. 10. 前敵 [qian2di2], n., battle front. 11. 前番 [qian2fan1], adj. & adv., the last time. 12. 前方 [qian2fang1], n., (1) the front of battle; (2) the place ahead. 13. 前鋒 [qian2feng1], n., (mil.) vanguard (also 先鋒). 14. 前夫 [qian2fu1], n., former husband. 15. 前和 [qian2he2], n., the front end of coffin. 16. 前後 [qian2hou4], adv. phr., (1) in front and back; (2) before and after (usu. showing a difference): 他說的話前後不同 there's a difference between what he says now and what he said before; 前後腳兒 one following another. 17. 前回 [qian2hui2], adv., the last time. 18. 前兆 [qian2zhao4], n., an augury, an omen. 19. 前者 [qian2zhe3], n., the former (opp. 後者 the latter). 20. 前進 [qian2jin4], (1) adj., progressive (author, country, etc.); (2) v.i., go forward. 21. 前景 [qian2jing3], n., the foreground of a painting. 22. 前箸 [qian2zhu4], n., see 箸 92A.41. 23. 前知 [qian2zhi1]1, (1) v.i., foretell the future; (2) n., a seer; n., foreknowledge, prescience. 24. 前肢 [qian2zhi1]2, n., forelegs, forelimbs, of an animal. 25. 前置詞 [qian2zhi4ci2], n., (gram.) preposition (also called 介詞). 26. 前科 [qian2ke1], n., record of previous crime; 前科犯 ex-convict (law). 27. 前例 [qian2li4], n., precedent. 28. 前馬 [qian2ma3], n., (AC) a stable servant who leads the horse for his master. 29. 前茅 [qian2mao2], n., see 茅 20A.00. 30. 前面 [qian2mian4], adv., (1) in front; adv., (2) (what is said or mentioned) above, also n., the above. 31. 前母 [qian2mu3], n., father’s former wife (in relation to stepmother's child). 32. 前年 [qian2nian2], adv., year before last. 33. 前任 [qian2ren4], n., predecessor in office. 34. 前人 [qian2ren2], n., (1) the people of the past; (2) person referred to above (esp. in anthology). 35. 前日 [qian2ri4], adv., day before yesterday. 36. 前哨 [qian2shao4], n., the forward patrol, sentry. 37. 前身 [qian2shen1], n., (1) the previous incarnation (also [qian2sheng1]↓); (2) the precursor of an organization. 38. 前生 [qian2sheng1], n., the previous incarnation. 39. 前線 [qian2xian4], n., the military front; the front line of battle. 40. 前項 [qian2xiang4], n., (1) (math.) antecedent; (2) the clause above; the matter referred to above. 41. 前夕 [qian2xi4], n., (1) the night before last; (2) the eve (of revolution). 42. 前手 [qian2shou3], n., predecessor; (comm.) former owner. 43. 前巿 [qian2shi4]1, n., forenoon stock market. 44. 前世 [qian2shi4]2, n., (1) former generation(s); (2) (Budd.) previous incarnation(s). 45. 前臺 [qian2tai2], n., the stage, opp. 後臺 (台) backstage. 46. 前天 [qian2tian1], adv., day before yesterday. 47. 前提 [qian2ti2], n., (1) (logic) the premise; (2) the first concern (of the nation, undertaking, etc.). 48. 前頭 [qian2tou0], adv., (1) in front, ahead; (2) before: 三年前頭 three years ago. 49. 前此 [qian2ci3], adv., up to now, until now. 50. 前途 [qian2tu2], (1) n., prospect, the road ahead; (2) pron., (in letters) indirect reference to a third party: 請轉告前途 please convey the message to Mr. So and so. 51. 前奏 [qian2zou4], n., (mus.) prelude, overture; prelude to an event. 52. 前晚 [qian2wan3], n., evening before last. 53. 前衛 [qian2wei4], n., vanguard, avantgarde. 54. 前言 [qian2yan2], n., (1) earlier promise or statement; (2) foreword to a book. 55. 前因 [qian2yin1], n., antecedents of course of events: 前因後果 causes and effects; the sequence of events in a story. 56. 前綠 [qian2yUan2], n., predestination (for lovers, enemies).