释义 |
剋剋 | 33C35 10.70 | 部居
 | 畫數 9 | ㄎㄜˋ [ke4] . [Var. 剋] | v.t. | (1) Cut down, reduce, see 剋扣 [ke4kou4]↓. (2) Overcome, work against: 剋制,剋服; see 克 10.70; 相生相剋 ([yin1] and [yang2]) reinforce or counteract each other; 剋夫,剋妻 (fortunetelling) destined to mourn husband’s or wife's death. (3) As var. of 刻 to carve; 苛剋 (=苛刻) mean and cruel.
| Words | 1. 剋期 [ke4qi1], phr., on set date (oft in mil. orders). 2. 剋扣 [ke4kou4], v.t., have illegal “cut”: 剋扣軍餉 take illegal cut on soldiers’ pay.