释义 |
削削 | 424A30 22S.00-2 | 部居
 | 畫數 9 | ㄒㄩㄝˋ [xUe4] (sp. pr. ㄒㄧㄠ [xiao1] ). [Usu. wr. 削] | V.t. | (1) To scrape off: 削皮 scrape off skin; 削蘋果 peel an apple; 削鉛筆 sharpen pencil; 削足適履 cut the foot to fit the shoe-Procrustean methods; 削牘 scraped off writing on ancient bamboo strips; 削草 (LL) destroy original draft of official communications as a measure of safety; 削蔥 (“cut onions”) a lady's slender fingers. (2) To exterminate, deprive: 削除,削奪 [xUe4chu2], [xUe4duo2]↓; 削減 cut down (budget, force, etc.); 削職 deprive person of office; 削地 cede a piece of territory.
| Adj. | Steep (cliffside).
| Words | 1. 削除 [xUe4chu2], n., deprive one of (rights); cut off (malpractices, etc.). 2. 削奪 [xUe4duo2], n., deprive one of s.t., forcibly take away (power, land, rank). 3. 削髮 [xUe4fa3], n., shave head (to become monk or nun). 4. 削正 [xUe4zheng4], v.t., (court.) ask s.o. to mercilessly revise script. 5. 削跡 [xUe4ji1], v.i., to lead a hide-out life. 6. 削籍 [xUe4ji2], v.i., dismiss (official) and disqualify him for future office. 7. 削職 [xUe4zhi2], n., to deprive person of post. 8. 削平 [xUe4ping2], v.i., to suppress (a rebellion). 9. 削弱 [xUe4ruo1], v.t., to weaken.