释义 |
別別 | 618B10 40S.00-2 | 部居
 | 畫數 7 | ㄅㄧㄝˊ [bie2] . [Usu. wr. 別] | N. & v.i. | (1) Distinguish, distinction; separate (-ation): 男女有別 separation, distinction between sexes; 區別 distinction between things; 分別 separation of two similar things, also difference; 識別,辨別 know, make the distinction. (2) (To) leave, (take) departure, esp. from friends, (during) absence: oft. 離別,別來,別後,離別以來 since departure; 別後念念 have been thinking of you since departure, in your absence; 別來無恙 hope that you are well (since departure); 別了 here I go! (on departure) so it is good-bye! 告別 (court.) take leave (with your permission); 辭別,拜別,道別,話別 visit to say good-bye; 小別,短別 temporary separation, absence; 生離死別 separation between loved ones in life or death; 別緒 feeling of absence.
| V.t. | (1) To pin up: 別起來,別上,別住 pin it up, fix with pin, 別針 [bie2zhen1]↓. (2) Turn: 別起一條腿來 lift up a leg; 別過頭,臉,來 turn head, face.
| Vb. aux. | Contraction of 不要 [bu2yao4]: 你別走 don't go away; 別這樣想 don't look at it this way; 別提了 let's not talk about it.
| Adj. | Other, another, some other: 別的 other; 別人,別的人 others; 別處 elsewhere; 別本 another edition, other editions; 別途 some other routes, lines (profession); 別解 another explanation; 特別 especial(ly), unusual: 特別招待 special welcome arrangements.
| Adv. | In another way: 別有用心,看法 have another motive, another way of looking at it; 別有高見 have a brighter idea; 別有所指 implies another thing; 別有天地 like another world; 別有所本,依據 is based on another source; 別有所聞 have heard of another (detail, aspect of) story; 別無所有,依靠 have no other possession, friends or relatives for help; 別無出路 have no other way out; 別具隻眼,慧心 have a special insight, understanding; 別開生面 open up a fresh outlook, new ideas, fresh style.
| Words | 1. 別號 [bie2hao4], n., a man's poetic name, apart from 字 courtesy name. 2. 別針 [bie2zhen1], n., pin. 3. 別集 [bie2ji2], n., an author's collected works, as dist. from 總集 collection or anthology by period or genre of writing. 4. 別致 [bie2zhi4], n. & adj., interesting and novel (of art works, decoration). 5. 別名(兒) [bie2ming2] ([bie2mi2er0]), n., see [bie2hao4]↑, also nickname. 6. 別墅 [bie2shu4], n., villa, country villa. 7. 別史 [bie2shi2], n., privately compiled history, as dist. from official history. 8. 別樣 [bie2yang4], adj., another, other: 別樣東西 another thing, article. 9. 別業 [bie2ye4], n., (1) villa; (2) another piece of property.
別 | 618C40 40S.00-2 | 部居
 | 畫數 7 | ㄅㄧㄝˊ [bie2] . [Wr. form of 別] |