

ㄔㄨ [chu1
V.i.(1)  To go out, come out, leave (v.t.), opp. 入 [ru4], go in, come in: [chu1ru4]↓;
去,[chu1qU0], [chu1lai2]↓;
門,行,[chu1men2], [chu1xing2], [chu1wai4]↓;
奔,[chu1ben1], [chu1zou3]↓;
爾反爾 promise and then deny in succession.
(2)  To appear: 現,[chu1xian4], [chu1mo4]↓;
雪花六 snow crystals appear hexagonal.
(3)  To stand out: [chu1se4]↓;
類拔萃 stand out among others;
人頭地 ditto;
乎意料,人意表 go beyond expectations, come as a surprise.
V.t.(1)  To produce, issue, beget: 產,[chu1chan0], [chu1pin3]↓;
於,自 come from;
自山東 (goods) come from Shantung;
於至情 come from natural affection;
was born by s.o., 愛如己 love (child) like one's own;
芽 send forth sprout.
(2)  To grow (pimples, etc.), to meet with s.t. unpleasant or have it occur: 痲疹,天花 to have measles, smallpox;
亂子,摟子 be found out and run into trouble;
凶案 have a murder case;
新聞 get into the papers;
笑話 become a joke;
(3)  To leave: 國 go abroad;
世 (religious attitude) leave the secular world, opp. 入世 take part in human community;
(4)  (Often as vb. prefix, like “out-come,” “outpour” in Eng.) to send out, pay out, rent out, etc.: 錢 provide the money;
火,[chu1huo3], [chu1qi4]↓;
租 rent out;
讓,賣 offer for sale;
pay out;
妻 to divorce wife;
兵,[chu1bing1], [chu1shi1]↓.
Adv.Out: 拿,取 take out;
send out;
pour out;
let out;
speak out, etc. (in all cases, 來 or 去 is commonly used in place of , see 來,[chu1lai2], [chu1qU0]↓).
Words1. [chu1ban3], v.t., to publish: ××版 (s.t.) published by certain company; v.t., 版物 [chu1ban3wu4], n., publications.
2. [chu1bang3], v.i., publish list of successful candidates at examinations.
3. [chu1ben1], v.i., to leave country as political refugee.
4. [chu1bin4], v.i., to hold funeral procession.
5. [chu1bing1], v.i., to march army for battle.
6. [chu1chan0], (1) v.t., to produce (farm, factory goods); (2) n., production, products.
7. 岔兒 [chu1cha4er0], v.i., run into trouble.
8. [chu1chai1], v.i., leave capital on official mission; be sent out on special errand; go on field trip.
9. [chu1chang2], v.i., to appear on stage or contest field.
10. [chu1chao1], n., (have) favorable balance of trade; excess of export over import.
11. [chu1chen2], (1) v.i., (Budd.) leave the secular world; (2) adj., (writing, ideas) far above the common run.
12. [chu1qi1], v.i., to divorce wife.
13. [chu1qian2], v.i., provide the funds.
14. [chu1qi4], v.i., to vent one's spleen.
15. [chu1qi2], adj. & adv., surprising, -ly: 奇制勝 win by novelty or by surprise attack: 壞得奇 surprisingly bad.
16. [chu1qin2], v.i., be sent out on an errand.
17. [chu1chou3], v.i., expose one's weak points; (oft. court. self-reference) to perform.
18. [chu1chu1zhe0], adj., (house beam, etc.) projecting out.
19. [chu1chu4], n., (1) (Confu.) some moral principle by which a Confu. scholar joins or resigns from an office; (2) (also [chu1chu0]) source for litr. allusion or reference.
20. 圈兒 [chu1chyuaer0], v.i., do s.t. slightly irregular or beyond bounds.
21. [chu1qU0], (1) v.i., go out; (2) ([chu1chu0qU4]) adv., out (away from speaker, cf. [chu1lai2]): 說去不好聽 it will sound bad to have this known; 放不去 cannot let go.
22. [chu1qUe1], v.i., leave a vacancy; specifically die during office.
23. [chu1dao3], v.i., (coll.) see [chu1rang4]↓.
24. [chu1ding3], v.i., see [chu1rang4]↓.
25. [chu1dou4], v.i., to have smallpox.
26. [chu1dui4], v.i., (army units) start off.
27. [chu1dong4], v.i., (of groups, mil. units) to start out on expedition.
28. [chu1fa1], v.i., to start (as on outing); 發點 point of departure.
29. 風頭 [chu1feng1tou0], v.i., to show off, gain notoriety.
30. [chu1fu4], n., (LL) a divorced woman.
31. [chu1gang3], v.i., (of goods) leave port for abroad; (of ship) sail from port.
32. [chu1ge2]1, (1) adj., exceptional; (2) v.i., formerly, to write outside the ruled marking on official paper.
33. [chu1ge2]2, v.i., (of girls) to be married: 已閣 is already married.
34. [chu1gui3], adj., (1) irregular: 軌的行動 irregular activities; (2) 火車軌 derailed.
35. [chu1gong1], v.i., to ease bowels.
36. [chu1han4], v.i., to perspire.
37. [chu1hao4], adj., oversized (shoes, etc.).
38. [chu1hu0], phr., come from: 乎真心好意 come from the heart, from good intentions.
39. 花兒 [chu1hua1er0], v.i., have smallpox.
40. [chu1huo1], v.i., (1) (MC) to lighten severity of crime (=開豁); (2)豁 (MC) have no way out.
41. [chu1huo4], v.i., (1) to produce goods (per day, etc.); (2) to take delivery of goods (as from godown); (3) (AC) to pay money.
42. [chu1huo3], v.i., be aflame with desire, anger.
43. [chu1huo2], v.i., (coll.) produce a great deal (of goods).
44. [chu1zhen3], v.i., (physicians) visit patients at home.
45. 疹子 [chu1zhen3zi0], v.i., to have measles or similar disease.
46. [chu1zhen4], v.i., to leave ranks and come out for combat or (Budd.) for meeting people.
47. [chu1zheng1], v.i., start on campaign.
48. [chu1jia1], v.i., to leave family and be a monk or nun: 家人 [chu1jia1ren2], n., a monk or nun.
49. [chu1jia4]1, v.i., (woman) to be married (out).
50. [chu1jia4]2, v.i., to bid, opp. 發價 offer.
51. 尖(兒) [chu1jian1]([chu1jia1er0]), v.i. & adj., (coll.) well-known (bandit, rascal): 尖任事 (MC) to take up a difficult or dangerous task.
52. [chu1jiao4], v.t., (p.p.) be excommunicated.
53. [chu1jie4], v.t., to lend out.
54. [chu1jie2], v.i., to give written guarantee of end of dispute.
55. [chu1ji4], v.i. & t., to be legally adopted as son.
56. [chu1jin4], n., incoming and outgoing; receipt and expense; difference: 沒甚麼進 not much difference in comparing two (also 入).
57. [chu1jing4], adv., exit from country: 驅逐境 expel from country; 境證 exit permit.
58. [chu1zhui4], v.t., to marry into a family and take bride's family name.
59. [chu1zhong4], v.i., to stand out, be outstanding.
60. 主意 [chu1zhu3yi0] ([chu1zhu2yi0]), phr., to give decision (to do s.t.): 誰的主意 who made this decision--whose idea is it?
61. [chu1kou3], n., exit; export.
62. (1) [chu1lai2], v.i., to come out; come out and intervene; to occur: 這事已經來 it has occurred already; (2) [chu1lai2] (or [chu0lai1]), adv., freely attached to vb. to express “out”: 說 or 說來 to speak out; 拿 or 拿來 to take out; 說不來 cannot say it; 找不來 cannot find it.
63. [chu1li4], (1) adv., do one's best: 他很力 he worked very hard (to have s.t. done); (2) v.i., to work hard: 力做事 work hard; v.i., 力做去 do your best; 力不討好 do a thankless task.
64. [chu1liu0], v.i., to slide along (of snake): 從山坡上溜 roll down the slope; 打個溜兒 slip down.
65. [chu1lu4], n., (1) an outlet; (2) a way out; (3) a future (of profession): 路問題 problem of (a boy's) future; 這裡沒有路 there is no future (better jobs) here.
66. 落得 [chu1luo0de1], v.i., grow up into (a beauty, a handsome young man).
67. [chu1long2], v.i., to have a sale en masse; to put paper money into circulation: 就籠 newly put in circulation.
68. [chu1ma3], v.i., (1) formerly, to come out of ranks for combat; (2) to come out and assume post; (3) see [chu1zhen3]↑.
69. [chu1mai4], v.t., (1) to offer for sale; (2) to sell out (friend, one's soul).
70. [chu1mei2], n., the end of the mildew season, when dry season begins (also wr. 霉).
71. [chu1men2], v.i., to go away from home, for short walk or long journey: 門兒 ([chu1merer0]) ditto; n., social parties, such as wedding, funeral; 門子 ([chu1men2zi0]) to be married (of woman).
72. [chu1mian4], v.i., to appear publicly (in negotiations, as sponsor, etc.): 不面 to work only behind the scenes.
73. 名(兒) [chu1ming2]([er0]), v.i., (1) ditto; (2) become famous.
74. [chu1mo4], v.i., to appear and disappear: 沒無常 (roving bands) appear unpredictably.
75. [chu1na4], n., cashier; 納課 cashiers department; 管納 be cashier.
76. [chu1pin3], n., artistic or manufactured product.
77. [chu1rang4], v.i., to offer (house, shop) for sale.
78. [chu1ru4], n., see [chu1jin4]↑.
79. [chu1sai4], n. & v.i., exhibit; contest.
80. [chu1se4], adj., outstanding, distinguished (performer, -mance, talent, etc.)
81. [chu1shan1], v.i., come out from retirement and join government.
82. [chu1shen1], (1) v.i., enter career of public service; v.i., start such career: 進士身 started career as scholar of third degree; (2) ([chu1shen0]) n., a man's scholastic and other records; n., origins: 身寒微 came from humble origins.
83. [chu1sheng1]1, phr., make a noise.
84. [chu1sheng1]2, v.i., be born; 生日期 day and year of birth.
85. [chu1shen2], v.i., appear occupied in thought, appear wondering.
86. [chu1xian3], (1) phr., escape from disaster, (patient) come out of danger; (2) v.i., ([chu1xian3]) to have an accident (as a train).
87. [chu1xian4], v.i., to appear (of comet, ghost, etc.).
88. [chu1xiang0], n., item of expense.
89. [chu1xi2]1, v.i., to be present at meeting, conference.
90. [chu1xi2]2, (1) v.i., bear interest: 息若干 how much interest does it bear? (2) n., (Budd.) exhalation; (3)([chu1xi0]) (a) n., chance to better one's circumstances: 有息(兒),沒息(兒) (also 不息) (a person) has ambition, no ambition; (4) n., interest, profit: 息很大 great profit; (5) 息得 v.i., see [chu1luo0de1]↑.
91. [chu1xing2], v.i., go on a long journey.
92. [chu1shou3]1, v.i., (1) come out and plead guilty; (2) to come out and lead.
93. [chu1shou3]2, (1) v.i., (of manuscript) be completed; (2) v.t., to sell: 不肯手 will not sell (at poor price) (=脫手); (3) take matter in hand; 手兒 (a) adv., at first trial (fail, succeed); (b) n., (Chin. opera) way of throwing or passing weapons.
94. [chu1shou4], v.i., to offer for sale.
95. [chu1shui3], v.i., formerly, (of official or sold prostitutes) to be freed from profession.
96. [chu1shi1], v.i., see [chu1bing1]↑.
97. [chu1shi4]1, v.t., (1) to post notice; (2) to show or exhibit for inspection (a particular article).
98. [chu1shi4]2, v.i., (LL) to become official, join government.
99. [chu1shi4]3, v.i., (1) see V.t.3↑. (2) (of Buddha) to be born into this world or appear bodily; to leave the secular world; (3) be born.
100. 使 [chu1shi4]4, v.i., to be sent abroad as ambassador, minister or special emissary.
101. [chu1shi4]5, v.i., to have an accident occur: 了事 (euphem.) to have s.o. die in the family.
102. [chu1xUe4], n., hemorrhage.
103. [chu1tang2], v.i., (of coffin) to leave the ceremonial hall.
104. [chu1tiao0], v.i., (boy, girl) to grow up beautifully; usu. 挑得 [chu1tiao0de1].
105. [chu1ti4], v.i., (LL) shed tears.
106. [chu1ti2], v.i., give out or set, subject for examination paper.
107. [chu1ting2], v.i., (judge, persons involved in lawsuit) to appear at court.
108. [chu1tou2], v.i., (1) to be successful in career: 頭的日子 the day of success; (2) see [chu1mian4]↑.
109. [chu1cai3], v.i., (Chin. opera) to appear bleeding.
110. 材(兒) [chu1cai2]([chu1tsarer0]), adj., outstanding: 不材的丫頭 a very common slave girl.
111. [chu1tuo1], v.i., (1) to be absolved; (2) to sell: 一千兩便脫了 will sell for 1,000 ounces; (3) see [chu1luo0de1]↑.
112. [chu1tu3], v.i., (1) (anc. objects) be excavated; (2) sprout up; (3)土兒 just born.
113. [chu1zou3], v.i., flee or go away.
114. [chu1zu1], v.i., for hire, to let.
115. [chu1wai4], v.i., to go abroad.
116. [chu1wang2], v.i., to live as exile or refugee.
117. [chu1yan2], v.i., (LL) to speak (coarsely, elegantly, abruptly, etc.).
118. [chu1yang2], v.i., to go abroad (“across the oceans”).
119. [chu1you2], v.i., to go on a tour.
120. 月兒 [chu1yUe4er0], adv., next month; 月子 (of women after child delivery) recover normal health and vitality.

ㄔㄨ [chu1. [See 21.21]





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