释义 |
凌凌 | 1018B40 63A.82-1 | 部居
 | 畫數 10 | ㄌㄧㄥˊ [ling2] . [Err. var.淩] | N. | (1) Ice floes. (2) A surname.
| V.t. | (1) To provoke, invade, persecute, humiliate: 欺凌 bully, humiliate; 凌逼,凌辱 [ling2bi1], [ling2ru4]↓. (2) To soar aloft: 凌空,凌虛,凌霄,凌雲 to soar to the skies, fly in the void; 凌波 (like fairies) walking over ripples.
| Words | 1. 凌暴 [ling2bao4], v.t., persecute. 2. 凌逼 [ling2bi1], v.t., persecute, force. 3. 凌晨 [ling2cheng2], n., early dawn (cf. 侵晨). 4. 凌遲 [ling2chi2], v.t., anc. punishment for heinous crime by slow torture; (fig.) persecute. 5. 凌駕 [ling2jia4], v.t., to overtake. 6. 凌藉 [ling2ji2], v.t., to bully. 7. 凌厲 [ling2li4], adj. & adv., (advance) fearlessly. 8. 凌亂 [ling2luan4], adj., in great disorder (also wr. 零亂). 9. 凌虐 [ling2nUe4], v.t., persecute. 10. 凌辱 [ling2ru4], v.t., to persecute, publicly disgrace or humiliate. 11. 凌霄 [ling2xiao1], phr., soaring to the skies (of person's career, ambition), also see V.t.2↑.