释义 |
齒齒 | 318C40 21A.21 | 部居
 | 畫數 15 | ㄔˇ [chi3] | N. | (1) Tooth: 牙齒 ditto; 門齒 front teeth; 犬齒 canine teeth, also (descriptive) jagged, uneven; 臼齒 molar; 乳齒 milk teeth; 齒蠹 tooth decay; 齒痕,齒印 tooth marks of biting; 切齒 gnash teeth with hatred; 不敢啟齒 dare not mention subject; 何足掛齒 not worth talking about; 露齒而笑 to grin; 齒亡舌存 the soft and flexible lasts longer than the hard; 沒齒不忘 shall not forget till death; 齒決 (AC) bite off with teeth. (2) Gear, teeth of appliances: 輪齒 gear, cogs; 鋸齒,梳齒 teeth of a saw, a comb; 齒輪,齒軌 [chi3lun2], [chi3gui3]↓. (3) Age, seniority: 序齒 seat guests according to seniority; 馬齒已長 (fig.) (self-derogatory) one is old.
| V.i. | (1) To mention: 不屑齒及 not worth mentioning. (2) To arrange; to regard as same class: 齒列 arrange in a row; 齒錄 to list in order; 不齒人類,不以人齒之 (contempt.) do not regard as a human being.
| Words | 1. 齒腔 [chi3qiang1], n., pulp cavity of tooth. 2. 齒根 [chi3gen1], n., root of tooth. 3. 齒冠 [chi3guan1], n., tooth crown. 4. 齒軌 [chi3gui3], n., rack rail. 5. 齒寒 [chi3han2], phr.., see 脣亡齒寒 51A.42. 6. 齒及 [chi3ji2], phr., 何足齒及 not worth mentioning. 7. 齒擊 [chi4ji2], phr., teeth chatter. 8. 齒質 [chi3zhi2], n., dentine. 9. 齒冷 [chi2leng3], v.i., snigger at: 令人齒冷 invite contempt. 10. 齒列 [chi3lie4], v.i., regard as same class. 11. 齒錄 [chi3lu4], v.t., to register in proper class, pass examinations. 12. 齒輪 [chi3lun2], n., wheel gear. 13. 齒次 [chi3ci4], n., order according to seniority. 14. 齒吻 [chi2wen3], n., lips and teeth. 15. 齒音 [chi3yin1]1, n., (phonetics) dental sibilant (ts, tz, s, etc.). 16. 齒齦 [chi3yin1]2, n., gum (of teeth).