

ㄓㄞ [zhai1 [Pop. , var. of ]
N.(1)  A studio: 書 studio, library (room) in private house;
舍,[zhai1she4], [jaiwu1]↓;
used oft. in name of art shops and restaurants.
(2)  Vegetarian food: 吃 eat vegetarian food on certain days or for period according to pledge;
(Catholic) abstinence;
end of period for vegetarian food;
念佛 a pledge to eat vegetarian food and say prayers (Budd.);
期 days of fast.
Words1. [zhai1fan4], n., (Budd.) food obtained by begging by monks.
2. [zhai1jie4], v. i. & n., (Confucian) to observe “fast” day before sacrifices by refraining from wine and meat; fasting.
3. [zhai1zhu3], n., donor to temples; person who pays monks for prayer rites at home; (...) 主人 owner of studio (as poetic name of scholar).
4. [zhai1she4], n., (1) formerly, room for observing religious abstinence before worship; also [zhai1tang2]; (2) private study; (3) formerly, school dormitory.
5. [zhai1tan2], n., altar set up for prayer rites.
6. [zhai1wu1], n., a study.
7. [zhai1wu4], n., formerly, management of school dormitory; 務主任 school proctor.





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