释义 |
齊齊 | 816C45 60.22 | 部居
 | 畫數 14 | ㄑㄧˊ [qi2] (*ㄓㄞ [zhai1] , *ㄗ [zi1] ). | N. | (1) A surname. (2) Name of anc. kingdom, now in northern Shantung Province; 齊大非偶 phr., (allu.) declining marriage proposal from rich or influential family; 齊人之福 (AC) joy of man having two or more wives. (3) (*[zi1]) (AC) skirt of robe: 攝齊升堂 gather the skirt on entering hall. (4) (*[ji4]) See 火齊 91.81.
| V.t. | To arrange, put in order: 齊家 to have a good family (as basis of good soicety) -- basic Confucian philosophy; 齊賬 to set accounts in order.
| Adj. | (1) Neat, tidy: 整齊,整整齊齊 neat, even; 齊頭齊腦兒 in even row; 齊臻臻 very tidy; 齊截 [qi2jie0]↓. (2) Complete: 齊備,齊全 [qi2bei4], [qi2chuan2]↓. (3) Equal: 齊年,齊齒 of same age; 齊名 rival each other in reputation; adv., equally: 並駕齊驅 (lit. & fig.) run neck and neck, rank equally in power; 舉案齊眉 (allu.) wife brings lunch tray to the height of her eyebrow as polite form -- used to refer to husband and wife keeping up politeness between each other (夫婦相敬如賓). (4) Adj. & adv., together: 一齊 ditto; 齊集一堂 assemble in one place; 齊聲 (applaud) in unison; 齊唱[qi2chang4]↓; 齊心合(協)力 pull together. (5) (*[zhai1]) As var. of 齋: 齊肅[qi2su4]1↓.
| Words | 1. 齊備 [qi2bei4], adj., all ready, all complete (luggage, utensils, attendants). 2. 齊唱 [qi2chang4], phr., sing in unison. 3. 齊盛 *[zi1cheng2], n., sacrificial offerings of millet (also wr. 粢盛). 4. 齊全 [qi2chuan2], adj., complete (gathering, articles of a set). 5. 齊楚 [qi2chu3], adj., (dress) neat, well arranged. 6. 齊墩果 [qi2dun1guo3], n., (bot.) Styrax japonica. 7. 齊整 [qi2zheng3], adj. & adv., neat, -ly, well arranged (also 整齊); (coll.) good-looking (cake, candlesticks, etc.) 8. 齊家 [qi2jia1], phr., see V.t.↑. 9. 齊截 [qi2jie0], adj., neat; 字寫得很齊截 characters are well-formed; 東西都準備齊截了 all have been arranged. 10. 齊給 [qi2ji3], adj., (AC) well arranged, well provided. 11. 齊理 [qi2li3], v. t., to arrange in order. 12. 齊眉 [qi2mei2], phr., see Adj. 3↑; 齊眉棍 a boxer's staff which comes up to the eyebrows in height; 齊眉穗兒 bangs on forehead. 13. 齊肅 [qi2su4]1, ([qi2su4]), adj., neat, (army) in splendid form; (2) (*[zhai1su4]) decorous, august (manner). 14. 齊宿 *[zhai1su4]2, v. i., (AC) to observe fasting and sleep alone on night before sacrifices. 15. 齊頭 [qi2tou2], adj., (1) cut even; (2) (Shanghai dial.) by chance; 齊頭蒿 [qi2tou2hao1], n., (bot.) wormwood (also 牡蒿). 16. 齊衰 *[zi1cui1], n., a mourning dress of coarse hemp with hemmed borders -- second degree of mourning for grandparents, etc.