释义 |
麗麗 | 436A50 30.70 | 部居
| 畫數 19 | ㄌㄧˋ [li4] | N. | A surname
| V.t. | (1) (AC) fasten, tie to: 麗於碑 tied to a stone tablet. (2) (AC) attached to, adhere to: 日月麗乎天 the sun and the moon hang in the firmament; 附麗 connected with, joined to.
| Adj. | Beautiful, pretty: 華麗 elegant; 美麗 very good-looking, pleasing to the eye; 都麗 resplendent; 豔麗 gorgeous; 綺麗 attractive, beautifully dressed; 秀麗 delicate and graceful.
| Words | 1. 麗都 [li4du1], (LL) beautiful, resplendent. 2. 麗質 [li4zhi2], n., as in 天生麗質 a born beauty. 3. 麗人 [li4ren2], n., a beauty. 4. 麗藻 [li4zao3], n., elegant phrases, decorative language. 5. 麗澤 [li4ze2], n., (AC) mutual encouragement and assistance between friends.