释义 |
鹿鹿 | 896B00 61.70-2 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄌㄨˋ [lu4] | N. | (1) A deer, stag: 牝鹿 female deer; 牡鹿 stag; see 鹿茸 [lu4rong2], 鹿角 [lu4jiao3]↓; 不知鹿死誰手 (allu.) cannot tell who will be the victor; 逐鹿中原 (same allu.) fight for the throne, ascendency of power among waring parties. (2) A surname.
| Words | 1. 鹿頂(兒) [lu4ding3]([er0]), n., open terraces on sides of main hall. 2. 鹿藿 [lu4huo4], n., a bean plant, Rhynchosia volubilis. 3. 鹿角 [lu4jiao3], n., (1) antler, deer horn; (2) timber projecting outwards for defense in a stockade; 鹿角菜 [lu4jiao3cai4], a water plant growing on beaches, Chondrus ocellatus. 4. 鹿巾 [lu4jin1], n., formerly, a deerskin hat. 5. 鹿梨 [lu4li2], n., (bot.) callery pear, a small wild pear, Pirus calleryana. 6. 鹿盧 [lu4lu2], n., pulley (=轆轤). 7. 鹿鳴宴 [lu4ming2yan4], n., formerly, dinner of successful candidates at provincial civil examinations (allu. to poem 鹿鳴 in Book of Poetry). 8. 鹿茸 [lu4rong2], n., cartilagenous part of root of antler, much prized as tonic. 9. 鹿蔥 [lu4cong1], n., (bot.) autumn licorice, Lycoris squamigera.