释义 |
鵝鵝 | 1195A50 90S.50-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 18 | ㄜˊ [e2] . [Var. ] | N. | A goose: 天鵝 the swan; 塘鵝 the pelican; 鵝行鴨步 to waddle (like goose); 鵝頸 goose's neck; 鵝掌 goose (webbed) claws; 鵝準 goose's creat; 鵝蛋 goose egg; 鵝酒禮 present of goose and wine at wedding; 鵝毛 goose down; 鵝毛片 large snowflakes.
| Words | 1. 鵝蛋臉兒 [e2danhnlia3er0], n., oval face. 2. 鵝黃 [e2huang2], adj., bright orange. 3. 鵝掌風 [e2zhang3fen1], n., (med.) a disease of the palm. 4. 鵝沾 [e2zhan0], n., a stain (as with juice on dress). 5. 鵝口瘡 [e2kou3chuang1], n., (med.) thrush, a milky-white adhesion on mouth, (also horse's foot) with pus formation. 6. 鵝漣 [e2lian0], n., see [e2zhan1]↑. 7. 鵝梨角兒 [e2li2jiao3er0], n., an elongated oval coil on woman's hair. 8. 鵝翎 [e2ling2], n., goose (wing) feather: 鵝翎扇 goose-feather fan; 鵝翎筆 goose-quill pen. 9. 鵝卵石 [e2luan3shi2], n., oval-shaped pebble. 10. 鵝絨 [e2rong2], n., goose down: 鵝絨被 goose-down quilt.