释义 |
鴻鴻 | 998A55 63A.50-3 | 部居
 | 畫數 17 | ㄏㄨㄥˊ [hong2] | N. | (1) The wild goose; wild swan: 輕如鴻毛 light as swan's down; 鴻飛 to go away for some great undertaking; 鴻爪 footprints of birds--traces of past events; as carrier of letters, see 鴻雁 [hong2yan4]↓; hence 鴻便 when convenient to send a letter; 哀鴻遍野 phr., starving people fill the land. (2) A surname.
| Adj. | (LL) vast, grand (interch. 宏 62.93 弘 50A.93 sometimes also 洪 63A.80): 鴻猷,鴻圖 (LL) great plan or undertaking; 鴻恩 your great favor; 鴻文 (LL) your great piece of writing; 鴻儒 (LL) great scholar; 鴻福,鴻禧 great luck or blessing; 鴻基 (LL) great foundation for undertaking.
| Words | 1. 鴻嗷 [hong2ao2], n., (AC, allu.) the cry of starving people. 2. 鴻寶 [hong2bao3], n., secret collection of books, usu. Taoist. 3. 鴻博 [hong2bo2], adj., learned, widely read. 4. 鴻溝 [hong2gou1], n., a gap or gulf separating two parties or units; a boundary line. 5. 鴻鵠 [hong2hu2], n., a large swan; (fig.) 鴻鵠之志 great ambitions. 6. 鴻爪 [hong2zhao3], n., “goose footprints,” sundry traces. 7. 鴻烈 [hong2lie4], adj., great, meritorious. 8. 鴻門宴 [hong2men2yan4], n., (AC, allu.) a dinner at 鴻門 where treachery (murder of invited guest) was planned. 9. 鴻蒙 [hong2meng2], n., (AC) primordial world, before the universe was formed (also wr. 濛). 10. 鴻雁 [hong2yan4], n., the wild goose, reputed in literary tradition as messenger carrying letters (see also 雁 51A.11); mail.