释义 |
鱗鱗 | 1378C15 92C.02-4 | 部居
 | 畫數 23 | ㄌㄧㄣˊ [lin2] | N. | Scales (fo fish): 批逆鱗 scrape fish scales from underside, (fig.) offend powerful person by blunt criticism; 鱗族 the scaly tribe.
| Words | 1. 鱗爪 [lin2zhao3], n., remnants, like leftover “scales and claws” of feasts; tidbits, unimportant parts: 一鱗半爪 juts a few known details of a larger whole; 巴黎鱗爪 tidbits from Paris. 2. 鱗甲 [lin2jia3], n., scales (of fish, reptiles). 3. 鱗介 [lin2jie4], n., “scales and shell”--fish and shellfish in gen. 4. 鱗集 [lin2ji2], v.i., congregate (like school of fish). 5. 鱗鱗 [lin2lin2], adj., (MC) of scaly appearance, as ripples. 6. 鱗傷 [lin2shang1], n., as in 遍體鱗傷 body covered with wounds. 7. 鱗屑癬 [lin2xie4xUan3], n., a kind of dry scaly skin disease. 8. 鱗次 [lin2ci4], adj., arranged in rows: 鱗次櫛比 in close order, such as houses in congested area.