释义 |
騎騎 | 761A10 51B.00-1 | 部居
 | 畫數 18 | ㄑㄧˊ [qi2] (*ㄐㄧˋ [ji4] ). | N. | (1) Horse, esp. cavalry horse. (2) (*[ji4]) Cavalry: 鐵騎 a brave war horse; 飛騎 flying cavalry, air-borne cavalry; 善騎 a good rider.
| V.i. & t. | To ride, esp. on horseback; to straddle: 騎馬 ride on horseback; 騎馬兒找馬兒 looking for another job while holding on to present one: 騎兩頭馬 headed for both directions; 騎自行車 ride a bicycle; 騎 掃帚 ride on a broomstick; 騎射,能騎善射 expert at horseback riding and shooting arrow; 騎驢覓驢 looking for donkey on donkey back - absent-minded, see 騎驢 [qi2lU2]↓; 勢成騎虎,騎虎難下 “riding on a tiger”- afraid to go on and unable to get down; 騎鶴上揚州 want material comfort and immortality at the same time-an impossible dream; 騎牆 [qi2qiang2]↓; 騎劫 to highjack.
| Words | 1. 騎兵 [qi2bing1] (*[ji4bing1]), n., cavalry soldier. 2. 騎牆 [qi2qiang2], phr., sitting on the fence; 騎牆主義,騎牆派 one betting on both parties or sides, timeserver, opportunist. 3. 騎縫(兒) [qi2feng4]([er0]), line of junction of two edges, a seam; [qi2feng4]([er0]), 騎縫印 seal placed across detachable check or contract and copy or stud. 4. 騎箕 [qi2ji1], v.i., (AC) “riding on a star”-pass away. 5. 騎軍 *[ji4jUn1], n., cavalry. 6. 騎路 [qi2lu4], v.i., (facet.)“riding on the road”-walk on foot. 7. 騎驢 [qi2lU2], v.i., (1) to ride on donkey; (2) to make an illegal cut on dealing. 8. 騎馬布 [qi2ma3bu4], n., (coll.) woman's sanitary tissue. 9. 騎士 *[ji4shi4], n., a cavalryman. 10. 騎從 *[ji4zong4], n., cavalry retinue. 11. 騎月雨 [qi2yUe4yU3], n., a rain extending over end of month.