释义 |
騁騁 | 765A05 51B.50-2 | 部居
| 畫數 17 | ㄔㄥˇ [cheng3] | V.i. | (1) (LL) to dash, prance about: 馳騁 to rove about, dash about in battlefield; (fig.) to be busy about political or other activities. (2) (LL) to roam, rove about in joy and freedom: 游目騁懷 let the eye travel over the great scene and let fancy free; 騁目 let the eye wander over; 騁詞 to scatter phrases about as one wishes. (3) To show off, give free play to (interch. 逞 40.83, V.t.1, 2): 騁能 show off one's skill or ability.