释义 |
駕駕 | 1216C00 91.50 | 部居
 | 畫數 15 | ㄐㄧㄚˋ [jia4] | N. | (1) A carriage, cart: 車駕 formerly, imperial vehicles, hence, the emperor. (2) An honored presence, travel or arrival: 尊駕,大駕,臺駕 your good (honorable) self; 駕臨 your kind presence; 聖駕 His Majesty; 王駕 His Royal Highness; 御駕親征 (of the army) under the personal command of the emperor; 枉駕 thanks for calling; 候駕 wait for your arrival; 擋駕 polite refusal as one unworthy to receive a visitor, oft. as a matter of form; 返駕 return trip; 盼即命駕 please kindly come at once.
| V.t. | (1) To drive (a vehicle), sail (a ship), fly (an airplane): 駕車 drive a car; 駕船 pilot a ship; 駕飛機 fly an airplane; 駕駛 [jia4shi3]↓; 駕著一葉扁舟 row a small boat. (2) To mount (a horse): 駕馬 harness a horse, ride on horseback; (fig.) to control: 駕馭 [jia4yU4]↓; 駕輕就熟 follow the beaten path, do s.t. with ease through experience; 騰雲駕霧 (fairy tale) travel through space; 駕雲歸 to ride the clouds and come home.
| Words | 1. 駕崩 [jia4beng1], v.i., (euphem.) die, said of a sovereign. 2. 駕臨 [jia4lin2], n., (court.) your gracious presence, the pleasure of your company. 3. 駕駛 [jia4shi3], v.t., to drive (a car), pilot (a ship); 駕駛員 a pilot, driver; 駕駛艙 Command Module. 4. 駕馭 [jia4yU4], v.t., to control, govern (subordinates).