释义 |
馳馳 | 765B45 51B.70-2 | 部居
| 畫數 13 | ㄔˊ [chi2] | V.i. | (1) To run fast: 疾馳 ditto; 馳馬 gallop; 奔馳 run around on errands, see compp.↓. (2) To spread afar: 馳名 [chi2ming2]↓; 名馳天下 is known all over the world.
| Adv. | Forming compp. with vbb. of thinking, remembering, indicating “far off”: 馳思,馳念 [chi2si1], [chi2nian4]↓.
| Words | 1. 馳辯 [chi2bian4], v.i., make eloquent, impassioned defense. 2. 馳騁 [chi2cheng3], v.i., (1) to gallop about as in hunt or race; (2) (fig.) make oneself seen and heard: 馳騁文壇 make a noise in the literary world. 3. 馳驅 [chi2qU1], v.i., to dash about, esp. in contest; bustle about business. 4. 馳道 [chi2dao4], n., formerly, highway for the emperor. 5. 馳名 [chi2ming2], v.i., become famous. 6. 馳念 [chi2nian4], v.t., to think afar of s. o. absent. 7. 馳系 [chi2xi4], v.t., ditto. 8. 馳檄 [chi2xi2], v.t., to send military despatch immediately. 9. 馳思 [chi2si1], v.t., see [chi2nian4]↑. 10. 馳驟 [chi2zou4], v.i., see [chi2qU1]↑. 11. 馳騖 [chi2wu4], v.t., to run after (empty fame, power, money). 12. 馳驛 [chi2yi4], n., imperial courier system, such stations.