释义 |
馬馬 | 750B20 51.50 | 部居
| 畫數 10 | ㄇㄚˇ [ma3] | N. | Horse, things that have to do with riding and carriage: 馬鞭 horsewhip; 馬棒 short stick for urging horse; 馬童 stable boy; 馬販 horse dealer; 馬衣 cover for horse; 馬醫 horse doctor, veterinary; 馬棚 shed for horses; 馬兵,馬隊 cavalry; pertaining to battle: 人仰馬翻 confused fighting on battlefield; 馬革裹屍 terrible battle (“corpses wrapped in horses’ hides”); 千軍萬馬 hordes of troops and horses; pertaining to racing: 賽馬,跑馬; pertaining to journey: 人馬已齊 all vehicles and servants are ready; 車馬 traffic; 車水馬龍 10.10; 馬上 [ma3shang4]↓; 馬前數 a form of quick divination “while you wait”; 馬到功成 immediate success (upon arrival); 倚馬可待 (of fast talented writer) dash off a piece in no time--(“leaning on a horse”); 馬後砲 parting shot, a belated effort; 馬首是瞻 follow one's lead; 馬不停蹄 hurried journey without stop; 馬鬃 (鬣) horse's mane; 牛頭馬面 devils in animal forms; 馬生角 an impossibility (“horse grows horn”); 馬齒已長 (fig.) advanced in age; 馬腳,露出馬腳 show feet of clay, betrayed by a slip (in lies, etc.); 馬耳東風 hear s.t. through one ear and out the other.
| Words | 1. 馬鞍(子) [ma3an1] ([zi0]), n., saddle. 2. 馬寶 [ma3bao3], n., (Chin. med.) a hard growth found inside horses, said to cure epilepsy. 3. 馬棒 [ma3bang4], n., short stick for urging horse. 4. 馬表(錶) [ma3biao3], n., a large watch. 5. 馬鞭 [ma3bian1], n., horsewhip. 6. 馬 [ma3bie1], n., horseleech, see [ma3zhi4]↓. 7. 馬兵 [ma3bing1], n., cavalry. 8. 馬勃 [ma3bo2], n., (bot.) a kind of mushroom, Lycoperdon boviste, used as medicine. 9. 馬伯六 [ma3bo2liu4], n., (MC) one who arranges rendezvous for men and women. 10. 馬車 [ma3che1], n., horse carriage, buggy. 11. 馬前 [ma3qian2]1, adv., posthaste; 馬前卒 foot soldier attendant going before officer. 12. 馬錢 [ma3qian2]2, n., formerly, fee for doctor's visit. 13. 馬球 [ma3qiu2], n., polo. 14. 馬齒莧 [ma3chi3xian4], n., (bot.) Portulaca oleracea. 15. 馬道 [ma3dao4], n., bridle path or ground for training horses. 16. 馬吊 [ma3diao4], n., a 16th cen. card game, possibly forerunner of mahjong. 17. 馬兜鈴 [ma3dou1ling2], n., (bot.) Aristlochia debilis. 18. 馬房 [ma3fang2], n., stables. 19. 馬糞紙 [ma3fen4zhi3], n., strawboard. 20. 馬蜂 [ma3feng1], n., (zoo.) hornet. 21. 馬夫 [ma3fu1], n., horse buggy driver; stable boy. 22. 馬杆(兒) [ma3gan1] ([ma3ga1er0]), n., blind man's staff. 23. 馬褂 [ma3gua4], n., jacket put on top of gown, sometimes as part of formal dress (長袍馬褂). 24. 馬號 [ma3hao4], n., (1) formerly, parking area for horses; (2) cavalry signals. 25. 馬蟥 [ma3huang2], n., horseleech (see [ma3bie1]↑). 26. 馬虎子 [ma2hu3zi0], n., tiger (馬虎子來了) a term used to frighten children (also 麻虎子). 27. 馬掌 [ma2zhang3], n., horse hoof; horseshoe. 28. 馬甲 [ma2jia3], n., (1) armor on horse; (2) (Soochow dial.) vest. 29. 馬蛭 [ma3zhi4], n., horseleech. 30. 馬克 [ma3ke4], n., German currency, mark. 31. 馬克斯 [ma3ke4si1], n., Karl Marx; n., 馬克斯主義 n., Marxism. 32. 馬口鐵 [ma3kou2tie3], n., tin. 33. 馬快 [ma3kuai4], n., formerly, sheriff's help for catching thieves. 34. 馬拉松 [ma3la1song1], n., Marathon race. 35. 馬蘭 [ma3lan2], n., (bot.) Aster trinervius, of aster family. 36. 馬牢子 [ma3lao2zi0], n., (coll.) stable boy. 37. 馬列主義 [ma3Lieh Juuyi4], n., Marxism-Leninism. 38. 馬力 [ma3li4], n., horsepower (of engines). 39. 馬鈴瓜 [ma3ling2gua1], n., (bot.) a long-shaped melon. 40. 馬鈴薯 [ma3ling2shu3], n., potato, also called 洋山芋. 41. 馬陸 [ma3lu4]1, n., name of a worm, millipede, Julus. 42. 馬路 [ma3lu4]2, n., modn. surfaced street in city, avenue. 43. 馬門 [ma3men2], n., door in Chin. houseboat, connecting compartment. 44. 馬匹 [ma3pi1], n., horse. 45. 馬屁精 [ma3pi4jing1], n., (sl.) lick-spittle, toady. 46. 馬上 [ma3shang4], adv., (1) at once: 我馬上來 I will come at once; (2) on horseback; (3) phr., (fig.) military rule: 馬上治天下 rule the world by force. 47. 馬哨 [ma3shao4], n., formerly, security officer charged with security duties. 48. 馬勺 [ma3shao2], n., dipper for serving rice. 49. 馬戲 [ma3xi4], n., circus. 50. 馬術 [ma3shu4], n., circus acts. 51. 馬靴 [ma3xUe2], n., riding boots. 52. 馬蹄 [ma3ti2], n., horse's hoof, things resembling it: 馬蹄表 desk clock; 馬蹄金 [ma3ti2jin1], n., (1) gold ingot; n., (2) a kind of lichee tree; 馬蹄兒 [ma3tie2er0], n., horse-hoof shaped pastry; 馬蹄袖 (兒) [ma3ti2xiu4] ([er0]), n., a form of sleeve in Manchu Dyn. costume; 馬蹄銀 [ma3ti2yin2], n., silver ingot (in form of a horse hoof). 53. 馬桶 [ma3tong3], n., night stool. 54. 馬子 [ma3zi0], n., (1) chips in gambling; (2) [ma3tong3]↑. 55. 馬尾蜂 [ma2wei3feng1], n., (zoo.) a long tailed wasp, Bracon penetrans. 56. 馬尾藻 [ma2wei3zao3], n., (bot.) a water weed growing on sea rocks, Halochloa macrantha. 57. 馬蠅 [ma3ying2], n., (zoo.) a large fly, whose eggs hatch in horses' intestines, Gastrophilus equina.