释义 |
香香 | 1154C05 90.41 | 部居
 | 畫數 9 | ㄒㄧㄤ [xiang1] | N. | (1) Spice, incense: 燒香拜佛 burn incense and pray; 進香 go on pilgrimage; 盤香 an incense coil; 香檀 sandalwood; 沉香 garuwood, lignaloes of East Indies; 蚊香 incense for driving away mosquitors; 書香 family of scholar ancestors; 香袋,香室 [xiang1dai4], [xiang1shi4]2↓; 香爐 [xiang1lu2]↓. (2) Scent, aroma, fragrance: 鳥語花香 birds’ twitter and fragrance of flowers; in comb. with 玉 (jade), refers to women: 憐香惜玉 tenderness toward woman; 香消玉殞 death of a pretty woman; 偷香竊玉 have illicit relations with women; 國色天香 a great beauty; 玉生香 scented flesh of woman. (3) Popularity, a good name: 留香百世 leave a good name for posterity; 吃香 (coll.) very popular. (4) A radical. (5) A surname.
| V.t. | To smell or sniff close to skin in lieu of kissing: 香香面孔 “kiss” the face (of child, woman); 香香嘴 to kiss.
| Adj. | (1) Nice-smelling, fragrant, aromatic: 香氣,香味 [xiang1qi4], [xiang1wei4]↓; 咖啡香濃 rich aroma of coffee; 香噴噴,香馥馥 rich in fragrance; 香茶,香片 [xiang1cha2], [xiang1pian4]↓; 香酥鴨 crisp duck cooked in Szechuen style. (2) Richly satisfying (sleep, food): 這頓飯吃得很香 a very satisfying meal; 睡得很香 enjoyed a very sound sleep; 香睡 sweet slumber; 香甜 [xiang1tian2]↓. (3) (Coll.) fond: 他們原來很香 they were very fond of each other. (4) Popular: (coll.) 這種貨很吃香 these goods are very popular now. (5) Pertaining to woman: 香腮 feminine cheeks; 香閨 lady's chamber; 香柬 lady's letter; 香魂 a lady's departed spirit.
| Words | 1. 香案 [xiang1an4], n., incense table, the altar. 2. 香賓 [xiang1bin1]1, n., (translit.) champion. 3. 香檳 [xiang1bin1]2, n., (translit.) champagne. 4. 香餑餑兒 [xiang1bo1bo0er0], n., “fragrant dumpling”-- sweetheart; matinee idol and the like. 5. 香剎 [xiang1cha4], n., Buddhist temple. 6. 香茶 [xiang1cha2], n., scented tea, see [xiang1pian4]↓. 7. 香腸 [xiang1chang2], n., sausage. 8. 香橙 [xiang1cheng2], n., orange. 9. 香錢 [xiang1qian2], n., gift of money to temples on visits. 10. 香氣 [xiang1qi4], n., aroma, scent, nice smell. 11. 香臭 [xiang1chou4], n., quality good and bad: 不知香臭 do not know good from bad. 12. 香椿 [xiang1chun1], n., (bot.) the fragrant cedar, Cedrala odorata. 13. 香袋 [xiang1dai4], n., perfume satchels. 14. 香斗 [xiang1dou3], n., incense pot. 15. 香墩兒 [xiang1dueer0], n., wooden or clay base for sticking incense sticks. 16. 香粉 [xiang1feng3], n., cosmetics, face powder 香粉之資 woman's pin money. 17. 香分 [xiang1feng4], n., see [xiang1qian2]↑. 18. 香楓 [xiang1feng1], n., sweet gum, balsam-producing tree. 19. 香港 [xiang1gang3], n., Hong Kong; 香港腳 Hong Kong foot. 20. 香瓜 [xiang1gua1], n., muskmelon; also different varieties of sweet melon. 21. 香閨 [xiang1gui1], n., lady's chamber. 22. 香荷包 [xiang1he2bao0], n., see [xiang1dai4]↑. 23. 香灰 [xiang1hui1], n., incense ashes. 24. 香會 [xiang1hui4], n., (1) a pilgrimage; (2) a group of pilgrims, with acrobats, stilts-walkers, tailors, food vendors, etc. 25. 香火 [xiang1huo3], n., (1) public worship at Buddhist temples: 香火盛 good attendance at temple (“many incense sticks and candles burning”); (2) the burning of candles and incense in an oath before spirits: 香火誓 such an oath; 香火弟兄 sworn brothers; 香火情 sworn love between man and woman. 26. 香蕉 [xiang1jiao1], n., banana. 27. 香界 [xiang1jie4], n., Buddhist temples collectively. 28. 香珠 [xiang1zhu1], n., rosary (of sandalwood). 29. 香饌 [xiang1zhuan4], n., dinner with prayer served on anniversary, etc., of death of relative. 30. 香燭 [xiang1zhu2], n., incense and candle, joss sticks and candles, see [xiang1huo3]↑. 31. 香菌 [xiang1jUn4], n., champignon. 32. 香客 [xiang1ke4], n., a pilgrim. 33. 香蠟 [xiang1la4], n., candle and incense. 34. 香 [xiang1lian2], n., cosmetics: 香 體 romantic verse praising woman. 35. 香料 [xiang1liao4], n., condiments, spices. 36. 香貍 [xiang1li2], n., (zoo.) the civet. 37. 香欒 [xiang1luan2], n., (bot.) pomelo (better known as 柚,文旦), Citrus decumana. 38. 香螺 [xiang1luo2], n., conchshell fish; 香螺片 edible cartilage of conchshell. 39. 香爐 [xiang1lu2], n., a censer, incense container. 40. 香楠木 [xiang1nan2mu4], n., see 楠木 10B.42. 41. 香囊 [xiang1nang2], n., a perfume satchel. 42. 香片 [xiang1pian4], n., scented tea. 43. 香蒲 [xiang1pu3], n., a kind of rush. Typha latifolia. 44. 香肉 [xiang1rou4], n., dog meat (Cantonese). 45. 香水 [xiang1shui3], n., perfume, cologne water or eau de cologne. 46. 香市 [xiang1shi4]1, n., temporary fair or market associated with pilgrimage. 47. 香室 [xiang1shi4]2, n., a hall of Budd. temple. 48. 香蕈 [xiang1xUn4], n., champignon (also 香菌 [xiang1jUn4]↑.). 49. 香荽 [xiang1sui1], n., coriander, a favorite spice (also 芫荽). 50. 香湯 [xiang1tang1], n., perfumed bath, practised in esoteric Budd. sects. 51. 香甜 [xiang1tian2], adj., sweet and nice-smelling (fruit); sweet (dream): 香甜的美夢 a sweet, beautiful dream. 52. 香亭 [xiang1ting2], a festooned rest pavilion for pilgrims or funeral procession when incense is burned. 53. 香頭 [xiang1tou2], n., (1) head of organized group of pilgrims; (2) ([xiang1tou0]) fragrance; 香頭兒 burnt incense. 54. 香草 [xiang1cao3], n., (1) vanilla; (2) (香蘭香) Eupatorium chinensis. 55. 香菜 [xiang1cai4], n., see [xiang1sui1]↑. 56. 香筒 [xiang1tong3], n., incense holder. 57. 香皂 [xiang1zao4], n., soap. 58. 香澤 [xiang1ze2], n., (1) (MC) hair ointment; (2) fragrance of woman's flesh. 59. 香資 [xiang1zi1], n., see [xiang1qian2]↑. 60. 香味 (兒) [xiang1wei4]([xiang1weher0]), n., fragrance, aroma (of flowers, coffee, cooked food). 61. 香豔 [xiang1yan4], adj., romantic, sexy: 香豔故事 romantic story, novel of romantic love. 62. 香煙 [xiang1yan1], n., (1) cigarette; (2) altar incense, (fig.) of continuance of family line: 香煙絕了 the family line died out. 63. 香嚴 [xiang1yan2], adj., (Budd.) austere, august. 64. 香應 [xiang1ying0], n., profit: 他的生意很占香應 his business makes good profits. 65. 香油 [xiang1you2], n., (1) scented ointment; (2) sesame oil; 香油蟲 the millepede or galleyworm. 66. 香魚 [xiang1yU2], n., fresh-water fish, Plecoglossus altivelis. 67. 香雲紗 [xiang1yUn2sha1], n., a kind of light silk.