释义 |
館館 | 1128C40 81B.40-6 | 部居
 | 畫數 16 | ㄍㄨㄢˇ [guan3] . [Interch. ] | N. | (1) A public resort, private dwelling, establishment: 旅館 a hotel; 餐館,飯館,菜館 restaurant; 酒館 a bar, wine shop; 茶館 teahouse; 館子 [guan3zi0]↓; 咖啡館 a coffee shop; 照相館 photography studio; 館兒 a place where food, tea, or wine is served; 館舍 [guan3she4]↓; 別館 a villa, country house; 公館 (court.) a private dwelling house; 館驛 [guan3yi4]↓; 會館 a guildhall, a club for members of a clan or district. (2) A public office or building: 國史館 the Bureau of National History; 資料館 archives; 博物館 museum; 圖書館 library; 科學館 science hall; 大使館 embassy; (總) 領事館 consulate (-general). (3) Formerly, a private school: 蒙館 formerly, a primary school; 家館 a family school; 就館 accept a teaching job in a private school; 館金 [guan3jin1]↓.
| Words | 1. 館地 [guan3di4], n., a tutor's post. 2. 館金 [guan3jin1], n., tutor's salary. 3. 館舍 [guan3she4], n., hostel. 4. 館子 [guan3zi0], n., a restaurant, an inn: 上館子,下館子,吃館子 dine in a restaurant. 5. 館驛 [guan3yi4], n., (AC) a post house.