释义 |
餘餘 | 1126C55 81B.01-8 | 部居
| 畫數 15 | ㄩˊ [yU2] | N. | (1) A surname. (2) Surplus, leftover: 有餘 enough and to spare; 一百零餘 a hundred and over; 盈餘 surplus, net profit; 多餘 surplus; 其餘 the rest. (3) Leftover time: 研討之餘 the time left after studies; 業餘 after office hours, hobby, see [yU2xing4]↓.
| Adj. | Remaining, leftover, spreadover, carried over: 餘音 lingering sound, tone, see compp.↓.
| Words | 1. 餘波 [yU2bo1], n., the aftermath. 2. 餘切 [yU2qie1], n., (math.) cotangent. 3. 餘慶 [yU2qing4], n., inherited ancestral blessing. 4. 餘喘 [yU2chuan3], n., dying breaths; panting after a scare. 5. 餘齒 [yU2chi3], n., see [yU2nian2]↓. 6. 餘黨 [yU2dang3], n., remnants of a political party or defeated bandits. 7. 餘地 [yU2di4], n., (1) spare lot or land; (2) 不留餘地 to push a person too far; 留餘地 spare some room for future contacts. 8. 餘額 [yU2e2], n., available sum unused or vacancies not taken up. 9. 餘風 [yU2feng1], n., influence left by person. 10. 餘富 [yU2fu4] ([yU2fu1]), adj., see [yU2yU4]↓. 11. 餘割 [yU2ge2], n., (math.) cosecant. 12. 餘光 [yU2guang1], n., reflected glory, honor (from friend); bounty that costs the owner nothing. 13. 餘暉 [yU2hui1], n., sunset light; reflected light. 14. 餘弧 [yU2hu3], n., (math.) complement of an arc. 15. 餘角 [yU2jiao3], n., (math.) complement of an angle. 16. 餘燼 [yU2jin4], n., burnt ashes, (fig.) remnant troops. 17. 餘款 [yU2kuan3], n., leftover sum. 18. 餘力 [yU2li4]1, n., leftover strength or energy: 不留餘力 spare no effort or energy. 19. 餘利 [yU2li4]2, n., net profit; extra profit. 20. 餘瀝 [yU2li4]3, n., dregs in the cup; (fig.) friend's boon or kindness: 得霑餘瀝 share your boon. 21. 餘論 [yU2lun4], n., additional comments. 22. 餘年 [yU2nian2], n., the remaining years of one's life. 23. 餘剩 [yU2sheng4], n., remainder. 24. 餘生 [yU2sheng1], n., remaining years. 25. 餘暇 [yU2xia2], n., leisure time, free time. 26. 餘興 [yU2xing4], n., program for amusements after meeting; from of relaxation after work. 27. 餘數 [yU2shu4], n., (math.) remainder after subtraction; leftover number after division. 28. 餘事 [yU2shi4], n., (1) less important details of business: 猶其餘事; (2) unfinished business: 餘事未了. 29. 餘弦 [yU2xUan2], n., (math.) cosine. 30. 餘蓄 [yU2xU4], n., personal savings. 31. 餘外 [yU2wai4], adj. & n., additional (items). 32. 餘蔭 [yU2yin4], n., inherited ancestral protection or benefit. 33. 餘裕 [yU2yU4], adj., ample (means).