释义 |
飲飲 | 1132B10 81B.81-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 12 | ㄧㄣˇ [yin3] (*ㄧㄣˋ [yin4] ). | N. | A drink: 冷飲 cold drink; 熱飲 hot drink; 飲料 [yin3liao4]↓.
| V.i. & t. | (1) To drink (water, tea, fluid): 飲食 [yiinshi2]↓; 飲水思源 phr., “drink water and think of its source”--feel grateful; 飲鴆止渴 “drink poison to stop thirst”--remedy worse than what it is supposed to cure; 暢飲 drink to one’s heart's content; 一飲而盡 quaff in one gulp; 飲醇自醉 said in praise of a fascinating character; 飲馬投錢 pay even for a horse's drink of water--extreme honesty. (2) (Fig.) to swallow: 飲彈而死 die of hit by bullet; 飲恨而終 die with a deep regret; 飲泣 “swallow tears”--to sob; 飲血 (from 泣血) swallow tears of blood; 矢乃飲羽 (AC) arrow sinks completely into object. (3) (*[yin4]) To offer drink to (person): 飲之以水 give person water to drink.
| Words | 1. 飲冰 [yin3bing1], phr., (AC) to cool oneself off by having some cold drinks. 2. 飲茶 [yin3cha2], n. & v.i., (Cantonese) have tea and snacks. 3. 飲泣 [yin3qi4]1, v.i., to sob. 4. 飲器 [yin3qi4]2, n., (1) a drinking vessel; (2) (AC) use skull of enemy for a drinking vessel, interpreted also as use as chamber pot. 5. 飲餞 [yin3jian4], v.i., (AC) give a farewell party to friend. 6. 飲料 [yin3liao4], n., liquid food, soup, any drink. 7. 飲食 [yin2shi2], n., food and drink; food in gen. 8. 飲子 [yin2zi3], n., (Chin. med.) medical potion or concoction (cf. 引子 50S.22).