释义 |
飭飭 | 1130A15 81B.50-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 12 | ㄔˋ [chi4] | V.i. & t. | (1) (In official documents) order that s.t. be done: 嚴飭 order strictly; 申飭 order explicitly or repeatedly. (2) to readjust, put to order: 飭躬 order one's own conduct.
| Adj. | Neat, orderly: 謹飭 cautious in conduct; 整飭 neat, orderly.
| Words | 1. 飭知 [chi4zhi1], phr., order to let it be known. 2. 飭令 [chi4ling4], v.t., order that ... be done. 3. 飭拿 [chi4na2], v.t., issue order to arrest. 4. 飭派 [chi4pai4], v.t., to appoint for some duty.