释义 |
食食 | 1084B00 81.02 | 部居
 | 畫數 9 | ㄕˊ [shi2] (*ㄙˋ [si4] ). | N. | (1) Food: 酒食,飲食 food and drink; 衣食 food and clothing; 食色 food and sex; 膳食,伙食 board, the meals; 食用 [shi2yong4]↓; 食堂 dining room; 食少量繁 lot of work and scanty meals; 食前方丈(AC) have food spread out ten feet square--live in luxury. (2) (*[si4]) 食不厭精 (AC) rice could never be white enough (of Confucius); 有酒食,先生饌 when there's food and drink, it is served to the master. (3) A radical, 81B. (4) A surname.
| V.t. | (1) To eat: 食量 [shi2liang4]↓; 食其肉而寢其皮 want to eat his flesh and sleep on his hide--swear revenge; 食玉炊桂 (LL) food as expensive as jade and fuel as expensive as cassia--extremely high cost of living; oft. fig., to digest: 食古不化 read ancient teachings without digesting them--be slave to the ancients; 食言, [shi2yan2]1↓. (2) To live on: 自食其力 live by one's own labor; 食租衣稅 (of officials) live on rents; hold a feudal benefice: 食祿,食邑,食土,食地 [shi2lu4], [shi2yi4], [shi2tu3], [shi2di4]↓. (3) Sometimes equivalent to drink: 食酒 (AC) drink wine. (4) (*[si4], =飼) To feed (dog, person).
| V.i. | To eclipse: 日食,月食 eclipse of the sun, moon (also wr. 蝕).
| Words | 1. 食頃 [shi2qing3], phr., the time of a meal, a short moment. 2. 食蟲類 [shi2chong2lei4], n., Insectivora. 3. 食單 [shi2dan1], n., menu. 4. 食道 [shi2dao4], n., (1) oesophagus, alimentary canal; (2) proper method of eating. 5. 食地 [shi2di4], n., fief town, see [shi2yi4]↓. 6. 食俸 [shi2feng4], n., formerly, salary. 7. 食復 [shi2fu2], n., relapse of patient owing to wrong food. 8. 食管 [shi2guan3], n., (physiol.) the oesophagus. 9. 食盒 [shi2he2], n., (1) food casket, usu. lacquered; (2) bridal caskets of food and clothing, etc. paraded on streets. 10. 食貨 [shi2huo4], n., food and commerce, economic goods. 11. 食火雞 [shi2huo3ji1], n., (zoo.) the cassowary, Casuaris, an ostrich-like bird. 12. 食積 [shi2ji1], n., indigestion. 13. 食忌 [shi2ji4], n., taboos in food. 14. 食茱萸 [shi2zhu1yU2], n., a tree whose fruit is edible, Zanthoxylum ailanthoides. 15. 食具 [shi2jU4], n., table service (bowls, etc.). 16. 食指 [shi2zhi3], n., (1) the index finger; (2) 食指浩繁 many mouths to feed. 17. 食客 [shi2ke4], n., (Warring Kingdoms) scholars and swordsmen retained by rich, powerful family. 18. 食量 [shi2liang4], n.,eating capacity. 19. 食糧 [shi2liang2], n., foodstuffs, army rations. 20. 食料 [shi2liao4], n., feed for horses, etc. 21. 食祿 [shi2lu4], n., formerly, official's salary. 22. 食品 [shi2pin3], n., eatables in gen. 23. 食譜 [shi2pu3], n., menu, recipe. 24. 食肉 [shi2rou4], adj., carnivorous; 食肉獸 carnivorous animal. 25. 食嗓 [shi2](')[sang3], n., (coll.) the alimentary canal. 26. 食土 [shi2tu3], n., fief town. 27. 食物 [shi2wu4], n., food in gen. 28. 食言 [shi2yan2]1, v.i., to “eat one's words”--fail to live up to promise. 29. 食鹽 [shi2yan2]2, n., table or kitchen salt. 30. 食邑 [shi2yi4], n, fief town. 31. 食蟻獸 [shi2yi3shou4], n., (zoo.) the anteater. 32. 食慾 [shi2yU4], n., appetite. 33. 食用 [shi2yong4], n., living expenses.