释义 |
類類 | 427B00 22S.80-3 | 部居
 | 畫數 19 | ㄌㄟˋ [lei4] | N. | (1) Class or kind: 類別 [lei4bie2]↓; 同類 of the same kind or class, fellow beings, fellow creatures; 同類意識 consciousness of kind; 人類 mankind, humanity; 分門別類 be divided into classes and divisions; 物以類聚 birds of the same feather flock together; 類型 [lei4xing2]↓. (2) A surname.
| Adj. | Similar: 相類 look alike; 類似 [lei4si4]↓; 不類 different from; 不倫不類 indescribable, messy, below standard.
| Adv. | Generally: 類多 mostly; 類常 usually; 類不 generally not.
| Words | 1. 類編 [lei4bian1], n., a book of reference arranged according to subject matter. 2. 類別 [lei4bie2], n., classification. 3. 類如 [lei4ru2], adv., phr., such as, for example. 4. 類型 [lei4xing2], n., type or class. 5. 類書 [lei4shu1], n., (LL) encyclopedia. 6. 類似 [lei4si4], v.t., resemble; adj., similar to. 7. 類次 [lei4ci4], n., headings; v.t., divide into headings, arrange according to some logical order. 8. 類推 [lei4tui1], v.t., to reason by analogy: 餘可類推 and so forth.