释义 |
順順 | 426B05 22S.80-3 | 部居
 | 畫數 12 | ㄕㄨㄣˋ [shun4] | V.t. | (1) Obey: 順命 [shun4ming4]↓; 順從 [shun4cong2]↓. (2) Follow (bent, direction, wind), go with (general trend): 順理,順流 [shun4li3], [shun4liu2]↓; 順帶 phr., bring along casually; 順帶一提 mention by the way; 順人情,順合人意 go with what people feel or desire; 順時俗 follow prevailing customs; 順竿兒爬 fall in with other people's wishes; 順條順理兒,順順溜溜 smoothly, obediently. (3) To submit, render obedience: 順服 [shun4fu2]↓; 歸順 render obedience to regime or government, opp. 逆 to rise or fight against.
| Adj. | (1) With a trend, (also prep.) opp. 逆 against: 順風 [shun4feng1]↓; 順路,順手 [shun4lu4], [shun4shou3]2↓. (2) Satisfactory, doing well, as one desires: 順利 [shun4li4]↓; 順當,順適 [shun4dang0], [shun4shi4]↓; 境遇不順 meet with adverse circumstances.
| Words | 1. 順把 [shun4ba3], adj., obedient: 這個人有點不順把 this man does not always listen to what you say. 2. 順便(兒) [shun4bian4] ([shun4biaher0]), adv., conveniently, without extra effort: 順便把這信交他 as you are going there, please take this letter to him. 3. 順差 [shun4cha1], n., favorable balance. 4. 順成 [shun4cheng2], v.i., accomplish s.t. without hindrance. 5. 順情 [shun4qing2], v.i., show respect for what others feel; (philosophy) allow people to fulfill their natural feelings. 6. 順當 [shun4dang0], adj., carrying on smoothly. 7. 順道 [shun4dao4], adv., see [shun4lu4]↓. 8. 順耳 [shun4e3], adj., pleasing to the ear. 9. 順風 [shun4feng1], adv., leeward, with the wind; (court. phr.) bon voyage; 順風耳 (myth.) one who has magical power of hearing miles away. 10. 順服 [shun4fu2], v.t., (of people) gladly serve under. 11. 順懷 [shun4huai2], adj., following one's heart desires. 12. 順腳兒 [shun4jiao3er0], adv., see [shun4lu4]↓. 13. 順境 [shun4jing4], n., fortunate circumstances. 14. 順職 [shun4zhi2], v.i., be dutiful. 15. 順口 [shun4kou3], adv., casually: 順口答應 promise without hesitation; 16. 順口兒 [shun4kou3er0], adj., (a) ditto; (b) agreeable to taste. 17. 順利 [shun4li4] ([shun4li0]), adv., (1) as planned: 順利進行 proceed as planned and without a hitch; (2) (business) doing well. 18. 順理 [shun4li3], adj., reasonable and proper: 順理成章 in clear and ordered pattern. 19. 順溜 [shun4liu0], adj. & adv., (1) doing well, smooth, -ly; (2) agreeable (temperament). 20. 順流 [shun4liu2], adv., with the stream, current. 21. 順路(兒) [shun4lu4er0], adv., (doing s.t.) on the way or lying on one's route. 22. 順命 [shun4ming4], v.i., obey orders: 順天命 obey God's will. 23. 順民 [shun4min2], n., peaceful citizens. 24. 順心 [shun4xin1], adv., in agreement with what one wants. 25. 順星 [shun4xing1], n., sacrifice to the stars on 8th day of first lunar month. 26. 順守 [shun4shou3]1, v.i., maintain status: 逆取順守 maintain peacefully what was taken by force. 27. 順手(兒) [shun4shou3]2([er0]), adv., without extra trouble: 順手牽羊 take s.t. lying within easy reach, profit by special situation. 28. 順水 [shun4shui3], adv., (1) see [liu2]↑; (2) effortlessly, costlessly: 順水推舟 do s.t. without extra effort; 順水人情 a friendly gesture without extra cost to oneself. 29. 順適 [shun4shi4], adj., satisfied, happy, satisfactory (situation). 30. 順時 [shun4shi2], adv., in its proper time. 31. 順序 [shun4xU4], adj., (1) in proper order or sequence; (2) ([shun4xU0]) smooth, successful. 32. 順遂 [shun4sui4], adj., smooth, successful (progress, development). 33. 順從 [shun4cong2], v.t., to obey (another's wish, order). 34. 順次 [shun4ci4], adv., in successive order. 35. 順嘴兒 [shun4tzueeer0], (1) adj., easy to pronounce; (2) (say s.t.) without stopping to think. 36. 順眼 [shun4yan3], adj., easy on the eye: 看不順眼 (things) are disgusting (to look at). 37. 順應 [shun4ying4], v.t., to adjust (to changing circumstances). 38. 順運 [shun4yUn4], v.i., to ride the crest of fortune.