释义 |
項項 | 528A55 31S.80-3 | 部居
 | 畫數 12 | ㄒㄧㄤˋ [xiang4] | N. adjunct. | One thing, item, clause: 這項事情,爭辯,戰爭 this affair, this controversy, this war; 第三項 clause three; 八項條件 eight conditions; 三項贈品 three gifts; 這項買賣 this business deal, etc.
| N. | (1) The neck: 頸項 ditto; 強項 stiff-necked (policy); 項背相望a huge jostling crowd (“neck to back”). (2) A sum, an item (in account): 款項 an amount of money; 進項 income; 欠項 debit; 用項 expenditure; 官項 government fund. (3) (Algebra) a term: 初項 first term; 末項 last term; 同類項like term; 外項 external term. (4) A surname.
| Words | 1. 項圈 [xiang4qUan1], n., necklace; choker. 2. 項練 [xiang4lian4], n., ditto. 3. 項領 [xiang4ling3], n., the neck, (fig.) vital point. 4. 項目 [xiang4mu4], n., an article or clause; an item (of expenditure); a sum. 5. 項下 [xiang4xia4], phr., in certain account: 在本人項下 in my account; 收入項下 under the column of receipts.