释义 |
鞋鞋 | 294B50 20B.11-1 | 部居
 | 畫數 15 | ㄒㄧㄝˊ [xie2] | N. | ([xie2zi0]) Shoes: 皮鞋 leather shoes; 布鞋 cloth shoes; 草鞋 straw sandals; 拖鞋 slippers; 球鞋 tennis shoes; 高跟鞋 high-heeled shoes.
| Words | 1. 鞋幫(兒) [xie2bang1]([er0]), n., the sides of shoes. 2. 鞋拔子 [xie2ba2]([zi0]), n., a shoehorn. 3. 鞋撐 [xie2cheng1], n., a shoe tree. 4. 鞋帶 [xie2dai4], n., shoelace, shoestring. 5. 鞋底(子)(兒) [xie2di3]([zi0]) ([dieeer0]), n., shoe sole. 6. 鞋跟 [xie2gen1], n., the heel of a shoe. 7. 鞋後跟 [xie2hou4gen1], n., the back part of shoe, above the heel. 8. 鞋匠 [xie2jiang4], n., cobbler, shoemaker. 9. 鞋臉(兒) [xie2lian3] ([xie2lia3er0]), n., the front top of shoes. 10. 鞋面 [xie2mian4], n., the shoe top. 11. 鞋舌 [xie2she2], the shoe flap. 12. 鞋刷(兒)(子) [xie2shua1]([er0])([zi0]), n., shoe brush. 13. 鞋楦(頭)(子) [xie2xUan4]([tou2])([zi0]), n., shoe tree. 14. 鞋油 [xie2you2], n., shoeshine, shoe cream.