释义 |
雷雷 | 513A20 31D.41-4 | 部居
| 畫數 13 | ㄌㄟˊ [lei2] | N. | (1) Thunder: 雷雨 [lei2yU3]↓; 打雷 a thunderclap; 雷聲大,雨點小 full of sound and fury but with little action. (2) Mine: 地雷 a land mine; 水雷 a sea mine; 魚雷 a torpedo. (3) A surname.
| Words | 1. 雷鞭 [lei2bian1], n., a flash of lightning. 2. 雷池 [lei2chi2], n. orig., the name of a lake in Anhuei Province: 不能越雷池一步 the utmost limit one can go. 3. 雷打 [lei2da3], phr., be struck by lightning (also 雷擊). 4. 雷達 [lei2da2], n., radar. 5. 雷電 [lei2dian4], n. thunder and lightning. 6. 雷動 [lei2dong4], adj., loud-sounding like thunder: 邊境雷動 tumults in border regions; 歡聲雷動 a thundering applause. 7. 雷公 [lei2gong0], n., god of thunder, equiv. Thor in Norse mythology. 8. 雷鼓 [lei2gu3], n., (1) a drum used in anc. times in sacrificing to the celestial god; (2) drum taps. 9. 雷汞 [lei2gong3], n., (chem.) fulminating powder (same as 雷酸汞). 10. 雷轟 [lei2hong1], v.i., to sound like thunder. 11. 雷震 [lei2zhen4], n. the roll of thunder (also 雷鳴). 12. 雷擊 [lei2ji2]1, v.t. & n., see [lei2da3]↑. 13. 雷殛 [lei2ji2]2, v.t., killed by lightning. 14. 雷厲 [lei2li4], adj. & adv., fierce(ly), violent(ly): 雷厲風行 strictest enforcement (of an order, law and regulations). 15. 雷鳴 [lei2ming2], n., (1) the roll of thunder; (2) any loud sound. 16. 雷墨 [lei2mo4], n., (Chin. med.) a mineral believed to be good for infant cramps. 17. 雷鳥 [lei2niao3], n., (zoo.) Lagopus mutus. 18. 雷劈 [lei2pi1], n., a thunderclap. 19. 雷射 [lei2she4], n., laser: 雷射光線 laser beams. 20. 雷師 [lei2shi1], n., the god of thunder. 21. 雷霆 [lei2ting2], n., thunder: 大發雷霆 break into a furious rage; 雷霆之怒 a thunderous rage. 22. 雷同 [lei2tong2], v.t., (oft. in plagiarism) identical with another. 23. 雷音 [lei2yin1], n., (Budd.) the Buddha's sayings (lit., “the voice of thunder”). 24. 雷雨 [lei2yU3], n., a thunderstorm.