

ㄐㄧ [ji1. [Interch. ; pop. ]
N.Domestic fowls, chickens: 公 a cock;
a hen;
a chick;
a turkey;
貓子喊叫 shrill cries;
鳴狗盜之徒 a band of scoundrels, the riffraff, the dregs of society;
鳴五更天 at dawn (“as the cock crows”);
飛蛋打 come out empty-handed;
摸狗 do things stealthily;
蛋裡找骨頭 pick at, find fault with;
零狗碎 odds and ends, bits and pieces of things of little value;
寧為口,勿為牛後 would rather be leader anywhere than follower;
犬不寧 greatly upset like a poultry yard visited by a fox;
犬不留 utter extermination (“even chickens and dogs are not spared”);
犬不驚 complete peace and quiet;
一人得志,犬升天 unashamed nepotism;
蟲得失 (fight over) trifles, inconsequential matters, trivialities;
鳴,啼 cock's crow.
Words1. [ji1ba0], n., (coll.) the penis.
2. [ji1qi1], n., a hencoop, hen house.
3. [ji1dan4], n., hen's egg.
4. 冠 (子) [ji1guan1]([zi0]), n., cock's comb; 冠花 (bot.) the cock's comb.
5. [ji1gu3], (1) n., chicken bones; (2) adj., skinny, emaciated.
6. [ji1jian1], n., sodomy.
7. [ji1le4], n., chicken's ribs; anything insipid, uninteresting; (fig.) fragile.
8. [ji1luan3], n., hen's egg see [ji1dan4]↑.
9. [ji1mao2], n. & adj., chicken feathers; (fig.) trivial, insignificant, unimportant: 毛小事 trifles; 毛蒜皮 ditto; 毛當令箭 take seriously a casual word dropped by a superior; 毛帚 a duster made of chicken feathers.
10. 鳴枕 [ji1ming2zhen3], n., a pillow for the dead.
11. 內金 [ji1nei4jin1], n., the internal lining of a chicken gizzard, used as drug by herb doctors.
12. [ji1pi2], n., (1) an old person's wrinkled face: 皮鶴髮 advanced in age (“wrinkled skin and white hair”); (2) 皮疙瘩 goose flesh.
13. 舌香 [ji1she2xiang1], n., (bot.) cloves (also 丁香).
14. [ji1xin1], n., a heart-shaped pendant.
15. [ji1shu3], n., dishes for guests (“fowl and millet”).
16. [ji1tou2], n., (1) (bot.) the foxnut, Euryale ferox (another name for 芡實); (2) a woman's teats; (3) 頭魚刺 a person of no consequence.
17. 子兒 [ji1tzeeer0], n., hen's eggs.
18. 尾酒 [ji1wei2jiu3], n., cocktails: 尾酒會 cocktail party.
19. [ji1wu4], n., petty or mean persons.
20. [ji1yan3], n., corns (on the foot).
21. [ji1yU2], n., (zoo.) the grunt (fish).

ㄐㄧ [ji1. [Interch. ; pop. ]





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