释义 |
雄雄 | 235B35 12S.11-9 | 部居
| 畫數 12 | ㄒㄩㄥˊ [xiong2] | N. | (1) A hero, champion: 英雄 hero, conqueror, (also adj.) heroic; 一世之雄 champion, first man, of his generation. (2) A powerful and rich man: 豪雄 ditto.
| V.t. | (Coll.) to shout or threaten with words: 拿話雄人 to intimidate with words.
| Adj. | (1) Male of species, orig. of birds: 雄雞,雄鳥 a cock, a male bird; later also of beasts (bull, stallion, male pig, etc.) and of flowers, see 雄蕊 [xiong2rui3]↓; opp. to 雌 female, oft. in phr., 雌雄 “female and male”; 一決雌雄 see who is the stronger; see another set of words for male and female in 牝, 牡 10C.70, 10C.11. (2) Brave, valiant, strong: 雄壯 [xiong2zhuang4]↓; 雄糾糾 very strong and handsome; 雄師,雄兵 strong, mighty army; 雄將 a brave general; 雄風 (AC) strong wind. (3) Superior: 爭雄 see who is superior, to vie for supremacy; 稱雄 to be recognized as the master (among countries); 逞雄 to rely on superior power. (4) Great, solid: 雄圖 [xiong2tu2]↓; 雄才大略 great talent, capable of doing great things; 雄厚 [xiong2hou4]↓.
| Adv. | Greatly, heroically, skillfully: 雄辯 [xiong2bian4]↓; 雄飛 fly or soar aloft; 雄斷 make a heroic or skillful decision; 雄張 expand greatly.
| Words | 1. 雄辯 [xiong2bian4], phr., eloquence of speech, make skillful defense of case: 事實勝於雄辯 facts speak louder than words. 2. 雄氣 [xiong2qi4], n., (AC) a spirited appearance. 3. 雄兒 [xiong2e2er0], n., (MC) a hero. 4. 雄藩 [xiong2fan2], phr., powerful governors or feudal princes (Tang Dyn.). 5. 雄豪 [xiong2hao2], (1) n., the powerful men of a locality or time; (2) valiant (person). 6. 雄厚 [xiong2hou4], adj., solid (wealth). 7. 雄花 [xiong2hua1], n., (bot.) male (barren) flowers. 8. 雄黃 [xiong2huang2], n., (min.) realgar, flowers of sulphur: 雄黃酒 wine containing flowers of sulphur, said to cure snake bites, etc. 9. 雄渾 [xiong2hun2], adj., (of callig., prose) powerful, rich and satisfying. 10. 雄長 [xiong2zhang3], n., (LL) an acknowledged master of a generation. 11. 雄鎮 [xiong2zhen4], n., a strategic stronghold. 12. 雄健 [xiong2jian4], adj., see [xiong2zhuang4]↓. 13. 雄壯 [xiong2zhuang4], adj., stalwart (body), massive (financial power), impressive looking (person, army). 14. 雄蕊 [xiong2rui3], n., stamens. 15. 雄勝 [xiong2sheng4], n., & adj., strategic place. 16. 雄心 [xiong2xin1], n., life ambition: 雄心未死 still full of ambition, not willing to give up. 17. 雄雄 [xiong2xiong2], adj., (AC) resplendent. 18. 雄圖 [xiong2tu2], n., (LL) great plans (also 鴻圖). 19. 雄姿 [xiong2zi1], n., handsome appearance. 20. 雄偉 [xiong2wei3], adj., stately, magnificent, valiant, impressive.