释义 |
雁雁 | 757B20 51A.11-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 12 | ㄧㄢˋ [yan4] . [Interch.鴈] | N. | Wild geese, crane, stork: 秋雁geese in autumn; 雁陣 geese flying in formation; 雁行,雁序 [yan4hang2], [yan4xU4]↓; 雁字 line of flying geese resembling the characters 人 and 一.
| Words | 1. 雁齒 [yan4chi3], phr., a neat formation like flying geese. 2. 雁行 [yan4hang2], n., geese flying in formation: used as symbol of orderly life of brothers: 雁行折翼 death of a brother. 3. 雁戶 [yan4hu4], n., (AC) homeless, wandering person, persons without a settled home. 4. 雁來紅 [yan4lai2hong2], n., (bot.) Amaranthus gangeticus. 5. 雁皮 [yan4pi2], n., (bot.) Wikstraemia sikokianum, a plant whose fiber can be made into paper. 6. 雁序 [yan4xU4], n., see [yan4hang2]↑. 7. 雁堂 [yan4tang2], n., ancient term for Buddhist hall. 8. 雁足 [yan4zu2], phr., (LL) messenger of letter (similar to carrier pigeon).