释义 |
雀雀 | 355B50 22.11 | 部居
| 畫數 11 | ㄑㄩㄝˋ [qUe4] (sp. pr. *ㄑㄧㄠˇ [qiao3] ). | N. | The common sparrow: 麻雀 ditto.
| Words | 1. 雀斑 [qUe4ban1] (sp. pr. [qiao3ban0]), n., freckles. 2. 雀麥 [qUe4mai4], n., (bot.) a species of oats. 3. 雀盲 [qUe4mang2], n., night blindness; 雀盲眼 (*[qiao3mang0yan3]) one suffering from night blindness, also one whose eyes are narrowed into slits. 4. 雀屏 [qUe4ping2], n., chosen as son-in-law, from 雀屏中目 (allu.) the one who shoots an arrow through the eye of the carved peacock on a screen. 5. 雀舌 [qUe4she2], n., a kind of delicate tea leaves. 6. 雀鼠 [qUe4shu3], n., bickering, from (AC) allu., “pecking and gnawing like birds and rats.” 7. 雀躍 [qUe4yUe4], v.i., to be overjoyed (“jump like sparrows”).