

ㄧㄣˇ [yin3. [Dist.穩 ㄨㄣˇ [wen3, 90A.72]
N.A secret: 難言之 a secret which could not be told.
V.i. & t.(1)  To conceal, hide: 藏,匿,瞞,[yin3cang2], [yin3ni4], [yin3man2]↓;
身,[yin3shen1], [yin3xing2]↓;
姓埋名 to conceal one's name and surname;
惡揚善 to conceal faults of others and praise their good points.
(2)  To live as recluse: 居,[yin3jU1], [yin3shi4]↓.
(3)  (AC) to take pity: 其無罪而就死地 take pity on its being innocently killed;
之心 the heart of mercy.
Adj.(1)  Hidden, secret: 患,憂,[yin3huan4], [yin3you1], [yin3ji2]↓.
(2)  Latent: [yin3li4]↓.
(3)  Small, invisible, unclear: 微,[yin3wei2], [yin3yUe1]↓.
(4)  (AC) poor: 民多取食焉 many poor people lived on it.
Words1. [yin3bi4], v.t., to conceal (s.t.), (s.t.) be concealed.
2. [yin3qin1], v.i., (AC) to attend or comfort personally, thoughtfully.
3. [yin3qing2], n., hidden, unspoken thoughts or feelings, see [yin3zhong1]↓.
4. [yin3dun4], v.i., to escape, live in hiding.
5. [yin3fu2], v.i., to lie low; (of troubles, disease) lie dormant.
6. [yin3gong1], n., (AC) secret house for castration.
7. [yin3huan4], n., latent trouble or cause for worry.
8. [yin3hui4], n. & v.t., taboo (on parent’s or emperor's personal name); to conceal as secret.
9. [yin2zhe3], n., a recluse.
10. [yin3ji2], n., a secret or ugly disease, euphem. for venereal disease or impotence.
11. [yin3zhong1], n., hidden, unspoken thoughts or feelings.
12. [yin3jU1], v.i., to live as recluse or in retirement.
13. 君子 [yin3jUn1zi0], n., (1) a recluse scholar; (2) (facet.) an opium smoker (pun on 癮 [yin3], addict.).
14. [yin3li4], n., latent force.
15. [yin3man2], v.t., to conceal (s.t. or from person).
16. 祕 (密) [yin3mi4], adj., hidden, secret.
17. [yin3mo4], v.i., to pass unnoticed by public.
18. [yin3nang2], n., (MC) a cushion.
19. [yin3ni4], v.i. & t., to hide, conceal, from view.
20. [yin2ren3], v.t., to bear or suffer (injustice, distress) patiently without protest.
21. [yin3shen1], v.i., (Taoist) to make oneself invisible; v.i., 身法 [yin3shen1fa3], n., such magic; v.i., 身草兒 [yin3shen1cao3er0], (fig.) a person acting as cover.
22. [yin3xing4], phr., to conceal one's surname: 姓埋名 incognito (“to disguise name and personal name”).
23. [yin3xing2], v.i., to render oneself invisible; 形眼鏡 contact lens.
24. [yin3shi4], n., a recluse scholar.
25. [yin3te4], n., (AC) hidden, past or evil deeds.
26. [yin3cang2], v.i. & t., to conceal (s.t., s.o.); v.i. & t., be concealed.
27. [yin3ce4], v.i., (AC) to feel sorrow, pity.
28. [yin3tong4], n., secret pain; regret.
29. [yin3wei2], adj., latent, invisible, deep (meaning); minute (particle).
30. [yin3yi4], n. & adj., recluse; scholar who keeps away from politics esp. in times of national trouble.
31. [yin2yin3], adj., unclear, barely visible: 可見 may be seen indistinctly, see [yin3yUe1]↓.
32. [yin3you1], n., deep grief (=殷憂), also secret worry.
33. [yin3yUe1], adj., (1) indistinctly visible; (2) implicit (meaning).
34. [yin3yU3], n., a riddle; an enigma, an elliptical line.





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