释义 |
際際 | 550B40 32A.01-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 13 | ㄐㄧˋ [ji4] | N. | (1) Crevice between walls. (2) A border, boundary, limit: 邊際 a margin: 邊際效用 (econ.) marginal utility; 水際 water front; 天際 the horizon; 際畔 [ji4pan4]↓; 耳際 near at hand, within hearing distance; 無際 boundless, limitless; 涯際 shores, limit; 實際 reality; 實際上 in reality, as a matter of fact: 不切實際 out of touch with reality, impractical. (3) A duration of time: 唐虞之際 during the reigns of Yaur and Shuhn; 春秋之際 in the era of Spring and Autumn; 臨別之際 at the time of taking leave; 死生之際 the moment between life and death.
| V.i. | (1) Have relations, be related: 交際 (have) social functions; entertain friends. (2) Happen, occur unexpectedly: 際會 [ji4hui4], 際遇 [ji4yU4]↓; 遭際 one's lot in life (“what one comes upon”); 幸際承平 fortunately, it was a time of peace. (3) Reach: 高不可際 height cannot be reached.
| Prep. | Among, between: 國際 between nations, international; 洲際 intercontinental; 星際 interstellar, interplanetary; 校際 intercollegiate; 級際,班際 interclass.
| Words | 1. 際會 [ji4hui4], n., a chance meeting: 際會風雲 (of political figures) emergence into prominence in times of crisis, riding on the crest of success. 2. 際畔 [ji4pan4], n., a margin, brink, edge. 3. 際遇 [ji4yU4], n., a chance (to meet with or be of service).