释义 |
隔隔 | 555B05 32A.42-3 | 部居
 | 畫數 12 | ㄍㄜˊ [ge2] (*ㄐㄧㄝ [jie1] , *ㄐㄧㄝˊ [jie2] ). | V.t. | (1) Separate, divide, partition, isolate: 隔離 separate( s.o., s.t.) from another; 隔開,間隔 to partition (rooms, etc.); 隔絕 isolate, be separated from; 阻隔 to bar; 隔別 take leave of; 隔膜 [ge2mo2], 隔閡 [ge2he2], 隔斷 [ge2duan4]↓; 遠隔 be far removed from; 隔行 ([hang2]) 如隔山 the barrier separating one occupation from an other is as forbidding as a mountain pass. (2) Bear, endure: 隔不住 (opp. 隔得住) cannot stand: 桌子隔不住壓 the table cannot stand a heavy weight; 老人隔不住生氣 an old man cannot stand fits of anger.
| Adj. | Past, gone by, immediately preceding, next-door: 隔夜,隔宿 overnight; 隔日 the following day; 隔年 following year; 隔了這麼多天 after an interval of so many days; 隔手 through a third person; 隔三跳四 proceeding by irregular steps, skipping over; 隔壁 [ge2bi4]↓; 隔鄰 next-door neighbor; 隔代遺傳 atavism; 隔房同輩 male cousins.
| Prep. | Across, on or from the other side of: 隔著籬笆,一條小河,一道牆 across a fence, a small stream, a wall; 隔岸觀火 show utter unconcern (lit., “to watch a fire on the other side of the river”); 隔牆有耳 warning not to talk too loudly (lit., “s.o. may be listening on the other side of the wall”); 隔靴搔癢 fail to lay one's finger on the right spot (lit., “to scratch an itch from outside the boot”).
| Words | 1. 隔壁 (兒) [ge2bi4] (also *jieh-bieh-'l), (1) n., next-door neighbor; (2) adj., neighboring, adjacent. 2. 隔斷 [ge2duan4] (*jieh-duahn), (1) n., partitions of rooms; (2) v.t., to obstruct, to isolate. 3. 隔閡 [ge2he2], n. & adj., losing contact, out of touch, failure to understand completely, see [ge2mo2]↓. 4. 隔肢 [ge2zhi0], v.t., to tickle (s.o.). 5. 隔離 [ge2li2], n. & v.i. & t., isolation, quarantine; to isolate; 隔離病房 isolation ward. 6. 隔膜 [ge2mo2], n., (1) ([ge2mo0]) mis understandding: 由於語言不通,造成這種隔膜 the misunderstanding between them was due to linguistic difficulties; (2) (also [mo0]) disagreement, enmity: 他一直和我這樣隔膜 there has been disagreement (enmity) between him and me all this time; (3) ([ge2mo2]) (physiol.) (=膈膜) the diaphragm; n., (4) adj., (also [ge2mo0]) ignorant, not in touch: 我於此事,實在隔膜 I don't really understand this affair. 7. 隔山 [ge2shan1] (*[jie2shan1]), n., the relationship between siblings of different mothers. 8. 隔扇 [ge2shan0] (*[jier'shan1]), n., the paper or wooden partition between two rooms: 隔扇心兒 the empty space in such partition, usu. decorated with calligraphy or painting. 9. 隔子 [ge2zi0], n., (1) a bookcase, a cupboard: 書隔子 simple bookcase; (2) (*[jie2zi0]) a latticed door.