

ㄔㄨˊ [chu2
N.(1)  (LL) steps leading to palace, temple: 階 ditto;
steps of the court.
(2)  (Math.) division: 法,[chu2fa3], [chu2shu4]↓.
(3)  End: 歲 the year-end.
V.t.(1)  To exterminate, remove, destroy: 蟲 exterminate insects;
害 destroy the evils;
暴安良 drive out the rascals and protect the people;
to prevent;
to remove (restrictions, obstacles);
,化 dissolve (differences of opinion);
to diminish;
,破 to abolish.
(2)  To dismiss: 開 to dismiss (from school), expel (from party, etc.);
be expelled: 名,[chu2ming2], [chu2ji2]↓.
(3)  To invest in office: 授,[chu2shou4], [chu2bai4]↓;
某官 be appointed to certain office.
(4)  (Math.) to divide: 以甲乙 divide B by A;
see [chu2fa3]↓.
Conj.Unless: [chu2fei1]↓;
(in MC and poetry) u.f. 非 unless, except: (=非) 你心似鐵 unless your heart is made of iron--without pity;
是=非是 unless, see [chu2wai4]↓.
Prep.了 besides: 了這件還有別的緣故 there are other reasons besides this;
…以外 besides this;
(in official documents) (insert a long clause) 外 besides (having already reported to authority concerned, etc.) I now communicate, etc.
Words1. [chu2bai4], v.t., to invest (person) as official: 拜郎中,太子太傅 appoint as minister, as imperial tutor to crown prince, etc.
2. 臭劑 [chu2chou4ji4], n., deodorants.
3. 蟲菊 [chu2chong2jU2], n., (bot.) a variety of chrysanthemum used for insecticide, Chrysantthemuu roseum or cinerarolium.
4. [chu2qUe4], (1) conj., unless, except; (2) v.t., to remove (cause of trouble, etc.).
5. [chu2qU4], v.t., to remove (obstacles), extirpate, weed out (cause).
6. [chu2diao4], v.t., to remove (prejudices, obstacles, etc.).
7. [chu2fa3], n., (math.) division, see [chu2shu4]↓.
8. [chu2fei1], conj., unless, except: 非…不行 it will not do unless; 非…方可 or 才可 only when … then it may.
9. [chu2fu2], v.i., cease mourning when period is over.
10. [chu2gen1], v.t., as in 斬草根 to uproot (evil).
11. [chu2guan1], v.i., to be appointed official.
12. [chu2hao4], n., (math.) sign of division: “÷”.
13. [chu2zhao4], v.t., appoint as official and summon to imperial audience.
14. [chu2ji2], v.t., to expel, remove from list of members.
15. [chu2kai0], v.t., to take away, remove.
16. [chu2le0], prep., besides: 了你沒有別人 there are no others besides you.
17. [chu2ling2], v.i., to burn the spirit tablet after completing the mass for the deceased.
18. [chu2ming2], v.i., to dismiss, expel (“remove from list of names”).
19. [chu2rang2], v.i., pray to remove influence of evil spirits.
20. [chu2ri4], n., the day before New Year, see [chu2xi2]↓.
21. [chu2sang1], v.i., to cease mourning when period is over.
22. [chu2shen1], v.i., (LL) to retire from office.
23. [chu2xi4], n., New year's Eve, see [chu2ri4]↑.
24. [chu2shou4], v.t., to invest as official or military officer.
25. [chu2shu4], n., (math.) the divisor; 被數 the dividend.
26. [chu2shi4], (poet.) =非是, see [chu2fei1]↑.
27. [chu2tai4], v.t., to sift out eliminate.
28. [chu2zui4], phr., pardon.
29. [chu2wai4], prep., (placed after n.) not counting, excluding, excepted: 星期日外 Sundays excepted, see Prep.↑.
30. [chu2ye4], n., see [chu2xi4]↑.





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