释义 |
附附 | 548B55 32A.00-9 | 部居
| 畫數 7 | ㄈㄨˋ [fu4] | V.i. & t. | (1) Adhere to, attach to; oft. as adj. attached, appended: 附著身上 attached to body; 附勢,依附權貴 rely on the rich and powerful; 趨炎附勢 be follower of the rich and powerful; 魂不附體 frightened out of one's wits; 鬼附在身 be possessed of the devil; see 附屬,附隸,附庸 [fu4shu3], [fu4li4]2, [fu4yong2]↓. (2) Enclose, -ed, send enclosed: 附上 enclosing herewith; 附鈔,附呈,附錄 send as enclosure.
| Adj. | (1) Supplementary: 附件,附張 supplement; 附卷,附篇 supplementary volume, chapter; 附筆 additional note; 附筆致意 s.o. sends regards; 附錄,附則 [fu4lu4], [fu4ze4]↓. (2) Adjacent, near to: see 附近,附鄰 [fu4jin4], [fu4lin2]↓; 附耳而言 whisper to one's ear.
| Words | 1. 附帶 [fu4dai4], adj., supplementary: 附帶聲明,條件 supplementary note, conditions attached; 附帶問題 incidental problem. 2. 附地菜 [fu4di4cai4], n., (bot.) wolfsbane, Trigonotis peduncularis. 3. 附和 [fu4he2], v.i., follow another's lead in voicing opinion: 隨聲附和. 4. 附會 [fu4hui4], n. & v.i., see connection where none exists, false assumption without true basis: 附會穿鑿 make far-fetched, unwarranted conclusions. 5. 附張 [fu4zhang1], n., attached paper or sheet. 6. 附加 [fu4jia1], v.t. & adj., additional, supplementary (tax, fee): 附加刑 additional sentence on another count. 7. 附件 [fu4jian4], n., enclosure(s). 8. 附驥 (尾) [fu4ji4] ([wei3]), v.i. (court. & LL) have the honor to follow your lead. 9. 附近 [fu4jin4], n., neighborhood. 10. 附藉 [fu4ji2], n., taking clan name by adoption. 11. 附著力 [fu4zhuo2li4], n., (phys.) adhesive strength. 12. 附賴 [fu4lai4], v.t., lean on (person). 13. 附麗 [fu4li4]1, v.i., be attached to (object), belong to (category). 14. 附隸 [fu4li4]2, v.t., to attach, belong to s.t. bigger, as stars in space. 15. 附鄰 [fu4lin2], n., close neighbor. 16. 附錄 [fu4lu4], n., appendix. 17. 附順 [fu4shun4], v.i., obey, submit to greater force. 18. 附屬 [fu4shu3], v.i., as in 附屬於 belong to (category); owe allegiance to; 附屬品 accessories; 附屬權利 additional, incidental rights. 19. 附則 [fu4ze4], n., bylaws. 20. 附益 [fu4yi4]1, v.i., add, increase. 21. 附議 [fu4yi4]2, v.i., to second motion. 22. 附庸 [fu4yong2], n., political satellite, small state attached by big neighbor.