释义 |
阻阻 | 554A30 32A.30-4 | 部居
 | 畫數 7 | ㄗㄨˇ [zu3] | N. | A mountain pass: 險阻 a dangerous pass.
| V.t. | (1) To stop, prevent, block: 阻止 [zu3zhi3]↓; 攔阻 to bar, block (the way). (2) To rely on: 阻兵 rely on military might. (3) Separate, isolate 阻隔 [zu3ge2]↓.
| Words | 1. 阻礙 [zu3ai4], v.t., hinder, impede, obstruct. 2. 阻擋 [zu3dang3], v.t., impede, block, hamper. 3. 阻遏 [zu3e4], v.t., to deter (aggression), check (flood water). 4. 阻隔 [zu3ge2], v.t., to separate, isolate, stand in the way of: 山川阻隔 separated by mountains and rivers. 5. 阻滯 [zu3zhi4], v.t., impede, hinder, obstruct. 6. 阻止 [zu2zhi3], v.t., stop, prevent, hinder, obstruct. 7. 阻攔 [zu3lan2], v.t., hinder, obstruct, bar (the way). 8. 阻力 [zu3li4], n., resistance. 9. 阻難 [zu3nan4], v.t., thwart, baffle, embarrass. 10. 阻撓 [zu3nao2], v.t., hamper, hinder, foil. 11. 阻塞 [zu3se4], v.t., obstruct, block. 12. 阻深 [zu3shen1], v.t., see [zu3ge2]↑. 13. 阻修 [zu3xiu1], adj. (LL) separated by a long distance.