

ㄍㄨㄢ [guan1. [Pop. ]
N.(1)  a frontier pass or gate, customs barrier, check point: [guan1kou3], [guan1ai4]2↓;
maritime customs;
,把 to guard the passes;
go to the other side of a mountain pass, esp. the Great Wall.
(2)  A mechanism: 機 a public or private organization;
(3)  Important parts of the human body: [guan1mo4]↓;
(4)  A wooden bolt for the door.
(5)  A surname.
V.t.(1)  Shut, close: 門 close the door;
上 shut up (door, window, etc.);
a device for opening and closing, a switch;
不住 (of doors, windows, boxes, etc.) cannot be closed, (of things or persons) cannot be shut out: 春色不住 the beauties of spring cannot be shut out.
(2)  To pick up or make (money payments): 俸 to pick up one's salary;
餉 (of soldiers) get paid;
支 receive money payments.
(3)  Connect, implicate, involve: [guan1lian2], 係 guan-shih↓.
(4)  To concern or be concerned: [guan1zhao4], [guan1xin1], [guan1qie4]↓.
Words1. [guan1ai4]1, v.t., express solicitude for the well-being of (s.o.).
2. [guan1ai4]2, n., a frontier pass.
3. 板兒 [guan1ba3er0], v.i., (of business concerns) suspend business, shut down.
4. [guan1qia3], n., a check point, customs barrier.
5. [guan1qiao4], n., orifices on the human body.
6. [guan1qie4], (1) v.i. & t., be concerned about (s.o.); (2) adj., intimately related, connected.
7. [guan1dao1], n., a halberd, a sword with a long hilt, so called because it was once wielded by Kuan Yu (羽).
8. [guan1fang0], n., (1) a frontier pass; (2) an oblong official seal; (3) measures taken to forestall the leaking of secrets.
9. [guan1guan1], n., (AC) imitation of the sound made by birds.
10. [guan1huai2], (1) v.i. & t., be concerned about, for, show interest in; (2) n., solicitude.
11. 棧費 [guan1zhan4fei4], n., bonding fee.
12. [guan1zhang1], n., suspension of business by shops (opp. 開張 open business).
13. [guan1zhao4], v.t., (1) notify, inform: 請照一聲 please let me know; (2) take care of.
14. [guan1jian4], n., (1) catch for a lock; (2) pivot of a door; (3) key to a situation, crux of the matter.
15. [guan1jie2], n., (1) (physiol.) the joints; (2) secret request for official assistance (暗通節), oft. involving bribery; 節炎(med.) arthritis.
16. [guan1jin1], n., key communication points on land or river.
17. [guan1zhu4], v.i. & t., pay close attention to, be intensely concerned about, for.
18. [guan1kou3], n., (1) a strategic pass, customs station; (2) a critical point in a given situation.
19. [guan1lian2], v.t., be related or interconnected with; n., relations, connections (of problems, consequences).
20. 捩 (子) [guan1lie4]([zi0]), n., (mechanics) an axle; crux of problem.
21. [guan1men2], (1) v.i., close the door; (2) n., (Chin. med.) the kidneys.
22. [guan1mo4], n., (herb med.) the pulse on wrist.
23. [guan1mu4], n., major incidents in a play.
24. [guan1nei4], n., this side of a mountain pass, esp. the Shanhaikuan (opp. 外 Manchuria lying to the north of Shanhaikuan).
25. [guan1ping2], n., the Chinese Customs silver scale (1 oz. = 10.13 庫平 Treasury Scale).
26. [guan1she4], (1) n., relations, connections, effects on other aspects; (2) v.t., have effects on s.t. else: 涉跟人私事 have to do with s.o.’s private affairs.
27. [guan1xi4], (1) v.t., be related to one another; (2) n., relationship: 跟你甚麼係 what relation is he to you? (3) n., consequences: 沒有係 of no consequence, never mind.
28. [guan1xin1], v.t., (1) be concerned about (s.o.) or for (s.t.); (2) take care of, pay attention to, show interest in.
29. [guan1shu1], n., formerly, a contract or written appointment.
30. [guan1shuo1], v.i., ask favor of s.o. for a friend: 替我說 speak for me.
31. [guan1sui4], n., customs duties, tariffs.
32. [guan1tou2], n., a critical point or period: 到了緊要頭 at a critical juncture.
33. [guan1tuo1], v.t., to request (s. o.) to intercede on one's behalf.
34. [guan1zi0], n., (1) (MC) paper money of the Southern Sung Dyn.; (2) (MC) a blank pass or order; (3) (of novels or dramas) climax.
35. [guan1wai4], n., opp. [guan1nei4]↑.
36. [guan1wang2], n., sorcery by which the souls of the dead can be summoned.
37. [guan1wen2], n., formerly, a form of official communications between officals of equal rank.
38. 眼兒 [guan1ya3er0], n., a hole in any article for fastening.
39. [guan1yUan2], n., (1) (Chin. med.) a point on the human body just below the 17th vertebra; (2) (Taoist physiol.) the pubic region, said to be the fountain of life; the solar plexus.
40. [guan1yU2], prep., regarding, concerning, about: 於此事,我全不知 I know nothing about this matter; 於哲學的智識 concerning philosophical knowledge.





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