

ㄌㄢˊ [lan2
N.(1)  A door screen.
(2)  (Interch. 欄): [lan2gan1]↓.
V.t.To bar, separate (interch. 欄): 遮 to screen;
截: [lan2jie2]↓.
Adj.(1)  (Of time) late: 夜人靜 all is quiet in the dead of night;
late in the year;
wine has flowed freely at end of dinner.
(2)  Flagging;
declining: [lan2shan1]↓.
Adv.Without permission: 出 leave forbidden grounds without permission;
Words1. [lan2feng1], n., unceasing winds.
2. [lan2gan1], (1) n., (=欄杆) a wooden railing, banister; (2) n., crisscross pattern; (3) adj., tearful.
3. [lan2jian4], n., a wooden railing ([lan2gan1]↑).
4. [lan2jie2], v.t., (=攔截) intercept, hinder, cut off.
5. [lan2ru4], v.t., (1) enter (forbidden grounds) without authorization; (2) interpolate.
6. [lan2shan1], adj., decayed, worn-out: 意興珊 with flagging interest, satiated; 春意珊 the declining days of spring.
7. 尾炎 [lan2wei3yan2], n., (= 盲腸炎) appendicitis.
8. [lan2yi2], v.t. & n., (leave) articles left unclaimed.





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