

ㄎㄞ [kai1
N.(1)  A term indicating size of page: 四 quarto;
(2)  Carat: 十八 “18k”gold.
(3)  A surname.
V.t.(1)  To open: 門 open door;
門見山“door facing mountain,” (of speech, conversation) come straight to the point;
門七件事 seven daily needs of household: fuel, rice, oil, salt, soya sauce, vinegar, and tea;
門揖盜 open the door to invite thief, a politician's mistake in alliance;
房間 rent hotel room for a few hours for illicit love;
天窗 suffer ravages of venereal diseases on face;
leave blank space in newspapers on account of censorship;
燈 put on the light;
卷 open a book: 卷有益 (of useful books) reading enriches the mind;
眼界 see s.t. new from travel, open mental horizon;
雲見日 (of people suffering wrongs) see justice again;
誠佈公 have a frank and straight talk.
(2)  To begin, open (shop, school, class, exhibition, performance, hospital), start (fighting, negotiations, meeting): 首,頭,手,始 begin, at the beginning, see [kai1shou3]1, [kai1tou2], [kai1shou3]2, [kai1shi3]1↓;
創,設 to found, establish, [kai1chuang4], [kai1she4]↓;
國 found a dynasty or nation;
飯 (order to) have meal served;
筆 (student) first begin to write composition, (columnist) write first article in a new year;
標 open public bids;
市 open for business, open market;
八大慶 begin age of seventy-one in expectation of celebrating eightieth birthday;
歲,春 begin a new year;
宗明義 purpose, goal or theme stated in opening chapter or sentences.
(3)  To open up: 路 open a new road, lead the way;
路先鋒 pioneer, trail blazer;
山 cultivate mountain district for habitation;
山祖師 founder of religious sect;
河 open up a waterway, (of ice in river) to thaw;
河道 open up river route;
濬 dredge and deepen river;
鑿,礦,open mines;
採礦物 mine minerals;
荒,[kai1huang1], [kai1ken3]↓;
源節流 earn more income and cut down expenses;
花,花了 to flower, blossom, flower blossoms;
顏,笑逐顏,眉眼笑 to beam, to smile happily;
凍 thaw.
(4)  To remove restrictions, to let: 禁 lift ban (on fishing, etc.);
葷 break vegetarian fast;
戒 break, terminate vows (not to drink, smoke, etc.);
[kai1duo1], [kai1chu2]↓.
(5)  To set going: 車,船 start car, boat;
倒車 to turn the clock back;
夜車 burn the midnight oil, 船了 boat sails;
步走 (mil.) forward march! [kai1xing2]↓;
出 has started out;
到 (boat, train) arrive;
往 going to (destination);
炮,槍,火 open fire in battle.
(6)  To set, set out in detail, itemize: 單 give itemized bill;
賬 render bill, account: 花賬 render false account;
名單 give list of names;
列 set out details (expenses, names);
計 total sum.
(7)  Do, make, in many phrr.: 玩笑 make fun of (person);
荒腔 tell a tall tale, talk about things one doesn't know;
店,舖子 run or keep a shop.
Adj.(1)  水 boiled, -ing, water;
了 water is boiling.
(2)  年,春 next year, next spring.
(3)  Liberal, open, modern: 朗,明,[kai1lang3], [kai1ming2], [kai1tong1]↓.
Adv.Away, off, out: 走 go away;
open (package), settle (confusion);
untie (knot);
分不 cannot be separated;
,劈 split open;
open (umbrella, mouth, etc.);
separate, leave;
hide away, get away from fight, dodge blow.
Words1. [kai1ban4], v.t., start (business, school, hospital, etc.).
2. [kai1ba2], v.i., (of troops) set out to (place).
3. [kai1bao1], v.t., deflower (a virgin).
4. [kai1ben3], n., the size of sheet (in printing), see N.↑.
5. [kai1cha4], v.t. & adj., (ladies’ skirt) open slit;’ also 隙(兒),氣(兒),see [kai1qi4]↓.
6. [kai1chai1], v.i., (1) be removed from office; (2) (mil.) despatch on mission.
7. [kai1chang2], v.i. & n., opening of theatrical play or other public activity; v.i. & n., 白 n., opening statement (usu. in Chin. plays).
8. [kai1qiang1], v.i., “open one's mouth” and say s.t.: 他一直不腔 he would never say a word; 謊腔 invent tall tales.
9. 竅兒 [kai1qiao4er0], v.i., (1) (of teenage person) begin to have interest in opposite sex; (2) to see more and understand more; 這下子,他可竅兒了 now he begins to understand.
10. 氣(兒) [kai1qi4]([er0]), see [kai1cha4]↑, (also wr. 隙).
11. [kai1chuang4], v.t., start, found (school, hospital).
12. [kai1chu2], v.t., dismiss (from school, party).
13. [kai1qUe1], v.i., formerly, (official) quit office, thus leaving a post vacant.
14. 單(兒)(子) [kai1dan1]([kai1da1er0])([zi0]), phr., send bill for payment.
15. 襠褲 [kai1dang1ku4], n., children's pants with seat cut open.
16. [kai1dao1], v.i., to operate in surgery; (fig.) 拿他刀 the first (student) to be punished.
17. [kai1dao4], v.t., to explain and convince (person).
18. [kai1diao4], v.i., hold memorial service for deceased.
19. [kai1duan1], v.i. & n., the beginning (of affairs, relations).
20. [kai1dong4], v.t., start (machine, course of action).
21. [kai1en1], v.i., show forgiveness, lenient treatment.
22. [kai1fa1], v.t., (1) educate (minds); open up (source of income); ([fa0]), pay off (laborer for service); (2) (AC) open and read government communications; (3) colonize (land); open up (natural resources); n., development.
23. [kai1fang4], v.t., to set free, to open (park, garden) to public; to open (port) to trade with foreign nations.
24. [kai1fang1], v.i., (1) (math.) to find square or cube; (2) ([fang1] or [fang1zi0]) write prescription for patient.
25. [kai1feng1], n., capital of Northern Suhng Dyn., in Honan.
26. [kai1fu4], v.t., (1) to recover lost territory; (2) to restore (official) to former post.
27. [kai1ge1], v.t. & n., to operate in surgery.
28. [kai1guan1], (1) n., electric switch, any mechanical control button, water faucet; (2) v.t., to open city gate or sentry post.
29. [kai1guang1], phr., (1) Buddhist ceremony of consecrating newly completed idol; (2) at laying-in ceremony (大殮) the children of deceased wipe latter's eyes with wet cotton.
30. [kai1gong1], v.i., begin construction: 已經工了 construction has begun.
31. 花彈 [kai1hua1dan4], n., shrapnel.
32. 花兒 [kai1hua1er0], v.i., to blossom; (of shoes, etc.) show cracks.
33. [kai1hua4], v.i. & adj., civilized (country): 未化國家 uncivilized country; 半化 semi-civilized; 化(兒) thaw; (coll. of plants, [hua0]), thrive.
34. [kai1huang1], open up, colonize wild country.
35. 懷兒 [kai1huaier0], v.i., (1) to enjoy oneself, relax: 懷痛飲 have a hearty drink; (2)過兒 (of woman) has never given birth to baby.
36. [kai1hui4], phr., hold a meeting.
37. [kai1huo4], adj., generous, openhearted.
38. 火(兒) [kai1huo3] ([er0]), v.i., open fire.
39. [kai1zhai1], v.i., break vegetarian fast.
40. [kai1zhang1], v.i., (of shops) open for business.
41. [kai1jiang3], phr., draw lottery in public and announce winner.
42. [kai1jia4], v.i. & n., asking price at beginning of haggle.
43. [kai1jiao1], v.i., settle dispute: 鬧得不可交 get into a hot dispute.
44. [kai1jie4], v.i., break vow (to refrain from meat, wine, etc.).
45. [kai1zhi1], v.i. & n., expenses: 支浩大 heavy expenses.
46. [kai1kai1], v.i., (reiterative) as in 門 please open the door; 玩笑 have a little fun at s.o.’s expense; 心 to relax and enjoy oneself.
47. [kai1ken3], v.t., to colonize; to open up wild country; to till (land).
48. [kai1kou3], v.i., (1) to speak up or out: 口 to smile broadly, laugh out loudly; (2) to sharpen knife; (3) to break dam, (dam) breaks; 口兒 baby's first sucking at breast.
49. [kai1kuo4], adj., openhanded, generous (heart); open, broad (country).
50. [kai1lang3], adj., discerning, clear-minded; clear (weather), bright open (view).
51. [kai1lian3], phr., formerly, screw off facial hair and tidy up hairline at temples of bride before wedding.
52. [kai1li4], v.i., set a precedent.
53. [kai1lie4], v.i., show in itemized list, make list of names, books, etc.
54. [kai1luo2]1, phr., “open gong,” i.e., begin theatrical performance.
55. [kai1luo2]2, n., Cairo; 羅會議 Cairo Conference (1943).
56. [kai1meng2], v.i., educate very young mind (as at kindergarten).
57. [kai1miao4], phr., hold village fair at temple grounds on set dates.
58. [kai1ming2], adj., liberal, enlightened, progressive (times, policy, attitude).
59. [kai1mu4], v.i., (1) (of plays, cinemas) give first public performance; (2) open inaugural (ceremony for conference, new building).
60. [kai1nian2], n., beginning of year; (Shanghai) next year.
61. [kai1pang3], v.i., to brag.
62. 盤(兒) [kai1pan2] ([kai1pa2er0]), v.i., (of stock market) opening quotation for the day (cf. 收盤兒 closing quotation); 盤子 formerly, pay the bill at singsong houses.
63. [kai1piao4], phr., count votes at poll.
64. [kai1pi4], v.i. & t., (1) open up country; (2) 天闢地 creation of the world (“separate heaven and earth”).
65. [kai1she4], v.t., to found or start (shop, hospital, etc.).
66. [kai1xian4], phr., show seams in dress.
67. [kai1xiao1], v.i. & n., (1) pay out; expenses: 消很大 the running expenses are heavy; (2) to dismiss (worker), see [kai1chu2]↑.
68. [kai1xin1], (1) adj., happy, enjoying happy moment: 玩得真心 had lots of fun; (2) v.t. & n., to make fun of (person): 別拿我心,尋心 don't make fun of me; happiness; (3) v.t., (AC, rare) edify, stimulate thinking; (4) v.i., open one's heart: 心見誠 talk from the heart, with nothing concealed; (5) phr., (kai shin) open the heart surgically.
69. [kai1xing2], v.i., (of boat, train) start going.
70. [kai1shou3]1, v.i. & n., to begin, the beginning.
71. [kai1shou3]2, v.i., ditto.
72. [kai1shui3], n., boiled, boiling water.
73. [kai1shi4], v.i. & t., (1) explain to (person): 向他釋 explain to him; (2) pardon (criminal).
74. [kai1xUe2], phr., school opens, commence school work.
75. [kai1shi3]1, v.i. & n., begin, -ning: 剛關始 has just begun; 始工作 begin to work; 工作的始 beginning of work.
76. [kai1shi3]2, v.i., (of boat, car) start.
77. [kai1tai4], v.i., in full form: 三陽泰 the spring comes in full form; (“auspicious beginning of a new year”).
78. [kai1tang2], v.i., to declare court in session.
79. [kai1ting2], v.t., (law) court in session.
80. [kai1tou2], v.i. & n., begin, -ning: 凡事頭最難 the beginning is always the most difficult part; 從頭到現在 from the beginning to the present.
81. [kai1cai3], phr., draw lottery.
82. [kai1tong1], (1) v.t., break through obstructions; (2) ([kai1tong0]) adj., liberal, modern-minded: 這個人很通 this man is very modern-minded.
83. [kai1tuo1], v.t., pardon (crime), free (criminal).
84. [kai1tuo4], v.t., expand (territory, business market).
85. [kai1zui4], v.i., to offend: 罪於他 offend him.
86. [kai1wai4], prep. & adv., beyond, over: 五十外 over fifty in years.
87. [kai1wei4], (1) adj., appetizing; (2) v.t., tease: 別拿我胃 don't make fun of me.
88. [kai1ye4], v.i., open for business.
89. [kai1yin4], v.i., formerly, (in bureaucracy) take out seal again after its being locked up during New Year holidays.





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