

ㄔㄤˊ [chang2 (*ㄓㄤˇ [zhang3, *ㄓㄤˋ [zhang4).
N.(1)  Specialty, what one excels in: 特,擅,專,所 ditto;
(2)  (*[zhang3]) Head, chief (of bureau, department, etc.): 部 minister of government;
the ministers and chiefs of special bureaus;
president, principal of school;
division commander;
regiment commander;
董事 chairman of the board;
head of family, parents of students.
V.i.(*[zhang3]) (1)  To grow up, grow in years: 大,[zhang3da4], [zhang3cheng2]↓;
了一歲 become one year older;
grow up to be: 得太難看了,很漂亮 grow up to look awful, to look pretty.
(2)  To grow, increase (in wisdom, price, etc.): 見識 open mental horizon;
行市 increase in price;
脾氣 grow proud;
調門子 grow in (assumed) stature, airs;
他人志氣,滅自己威風 to puff up the enemy and lower our morale.
V.t.(*[zhang3]) To grow s.t.;
鬍子 grow a beard;
瘡 grow pimples, sore;
牙 put forth teeth;
芽,霉 put forth sprouts, get moldy.
Adj.(1)  Long, opp. short 短:途 long journey;
風 swift wind;
嘆 long sigh;
吁短嘆 sigh incessantly;
號 throw up a long yell;
嘯 to give a long whistle;
話短說 to make a long story short;
袖善舞 long sleeves help in dancing (as 財善賈) ample capital makes it easy to trade.
(2)  (*[zhang3]) Elder, senior, opp. 幼 junior: 者,老,[chang2zhe3], [chang2lao3], [chang2bei4]↓.
(3)  (*[zhang3]) The eldest: 子,孫 eldest son, grandson, 房 branch of the eldest son;
他居 he is the eldest;
兄,姊 eldest brother, sister.
(4)  (*[zhang4]) Extraneous: 身無物 (LL phr.) have only bare necessities at home (no savings);
long drawn-out, wordy.
Words1. [chang2an1], n., capital of Tarng Dyn. (=modn. 西安), famed in Tarng poetry; 安路,安道上 route to Charng-an, associated with route to officialdom and civil examinations.
2. 輩 *[zhang3bei4], n., the elder generation, an elder.
3. 臂猿 [chang2bei4yUan2], n., type of long-armed ape in India and Malaysia, Hylobates lar.
4. [chang2bian1], n., book of full data and detailed stories, from which a particular history is compiled--full version of chronicles.
5. [chang2bo1], n., (electronics) long wave.
6. 成 *[zhang3cheng2], v.i., (1) to grow up (in certain city), become adult; (2) grow into (anulcer, etc.).
7. [chang2cheng2], n., the Great Wall, symbol of eternal strength; (fig.) a great warrior.
8. [chang2qi2], adj., long-term (deposit, etc.).
9. [chang2chuan1], adj. & adv., continually, normally (write each other, etc.).
10. [chang2chu0], n., one's strong points.
11. [chang2chong0], n., (coll.) snake.
12. [chang2qU1], phr., 驅直入 drive straight in (into enemy city).
13. 大 *[zhang3da4], v.i., grow up.
14. [chang2duan3], n., (1) length: 三尺短 three-foot long (also [er0]); (2) criticism, discussion as to who is right (long) and who is wrong (short): 說人短 criticize people; (3) s.t. untoward: 萬一有什麼短 if s.t. untoward should happen; 短句=宋詞 the [ci2] form of verse, with varying sentence lengths; 短詩 verse in which some sentence lengths vary.
15. [chang2du4], n., length.
16. 法兒 [chang2fa3er0], n., a regular way: 不是個法兒 shouldn't be a regular way, but occasionally allowable.
17. [chang2fang1], n., rectangle: 方形 rectangular.
18. 房 *[zhang3fang2], n., the eldest branch of family.
19. [chang2geng1], n., the planet Venus (金星).
20. 官 *[zhang3guan1], n., superiors in office; officers.
21. [chang2gui4], v.i., to prostrate on the ground.
22. [chang2gong1], n., formerly, hired farm hand on permanent or yearly basis.
23. 公主 *[zhang3gong1zhu3], n., the emperor's sisters.
24. [chang2huo2], n., see [chang2gong1]↑.
25. [chang2zhai1], v.i., to fast from meat for a long period.
26. 者 *[zhang2zhe3], n., elders, eldermen; village gentry.
27. [chang2zheng1], v.i., to go on a long journey or campaign.
28. [chang2jiao3], n., (bot.) elongated pod of seeds.
29. [chang2jia4], n., (take) long leave, i.e., resign.
30. 價 *[zhang3jia4], v.i., rise in price.
31. [chang2jiang1], n., the Yangtze River.
32. [chang2ji4], n., special skill.
33. 進 *[zhang3jin0], v.i., to improve (in character, studies): 永不進 be a sluggard.
34. [chang2jing4], n., (math.) major axis.
35. 頸鹿 [chang2jing3lu4], n., giraffe.
36. [chang2jing1], n., the big whale as symbolic of great drinking capacity.
37. [chang2jiu3], adj. & adv., for long, lasting: 久之計 a permanent arrangement.
38. [chang2zhi1], v.i., formerly, for shop employees to draw money on credit, the accounts to be reckoned at year's end.
39. [chang2zhi4], n., (AC) winter solstice (“longest day”), also (AC) summer solstice.
40. [chang2jU2], n., permanent arrangement, see [chang2fa3er0]↑.
41. [chang2kong1], n., the sky.
42. [chang2er0], n., (1) length; (2) a long time: 這東西不耐兒 this article will not last long.
43. 老 *[zhang2lao3], n., (1) elder, alderman; (2) elder in Presbyterian Church; (3) senior monk; 老會 Presbyterian Church.
44. 吏 *[zhang3li4], n., superior officer.
45. [chang2li4], n., (lunar) calendar which reckons the dates of seasons for centuries.
46. (1) *[zhang3mao2], v.t., to mildew; (2) ([chang2mao2]), n., long hair.
47. [chang2mian2], n. & v.i., death (“the long sleep”).
48. [chang2ming4], n., long life: 命富貴 longevity with wealth and honor, a long life of abundance and respectability.
49. 明燈 [chang2ming2deng1], n., altar lamp which burns day and night.
50. [chang2nian2], adv., regularly: 年在這裡住 stay here regularly; for a long time.
51. [chang2pao3], n., (track and field) long-distance run.
52. [chang2pian1], (1) phr., 篇大論 discourse eloquently on subject; (2) 篇小說 a novel.
53. 衫(兒) [chang2shan1] ([chang2sha1er0]), n., long gown.
54. [chang2sheng1], n., long life, longevity: 生不老 perpetual rejuvenation; 生祿位 a tablet and altar in honor of great benefactor, for whom prayer is said.
55. 生果 [chang2sheng1guo3], n., peanut (=落花生).
56. [chang2she2]1, adj., as in 舌婦 a loquacious woman.
57. [chang2she2]2, n., as in 封豕蛇 (fig.) a greedy monster; 蛇陣 snake formation (as in snake dance).
58. 相兒 *[zhang3xiang4er0], n., usual appearance or condition.
59. 辛螺 [chang2xin1luo2], n., (zoo.) long shellfish, Fusus perplexus.
60. [chang2shou4], n. & adj., longevity.
61. [chang2shi4], v.i., to pass away.
62. [chang2shi2], n., (geol.) feld-spar.
63. [chang2tian1], adv., as in 天大日,天老日 in broad daylight, all day (doing nothing, etc.).
64. [chang2tiao0], adj., (person) tall and slender.
65. 條兒 [chang2tiao2er0], n., a long slip.
66. [chang2ting2], n., formerly, rest pavilion on highway: 十里一亭,五里一短亭 a big station every ten [li3], a small station every five [li3].
67. [chang2tu2], (1) n., long journey; (2) adj., long distance: 途電話 long-distance telephone call; adj., 途汽車 bus system between cities.
68. 尾雞 [chang2wei3ji1], n., (zoo.) a special variety of fowl with a long tail, Gallus domesticus, cultivated in Japan.
69. 尾猿 [chang2wei3yUan2], n., (zoo.) an African ape with long tail, Cercopithecus aethiops.
70. 物 *[zhang4wu4], n., surplus: 生平無物 have no savings--have just the necessities of living.
71. [chang2ye4], adv., all night long.
72. [chang2yi1], v.i., to make a long bow, the clasped hands reaching to the knees.
73. 音程 [chang2yin1cheng2], n., (mus.) major interval.
74. 音階 [chang2yin1jie1], n., (mus.) major scale.
75. 幼 *[zhang3you4], n., the young and old.
76. [chang2yUan3], adj., long, distant: 遠之計 a long plan for the future.
77. [chang2yUan2], adj., oval in shape.





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