释义 |
鑄鑄 | 1102B20 81A.00-1 | 部居
 | 畫數 22 | ㄓㄨˋ [zhu4] | V.t. | To cast metals: 鑄造 cast (bell, statues); 鑄錢,鑄幣 to mint coins; 鑄字模 to cast type; matrix from which lead type is cast; 陶鑄人才 to mold character; 鑄成,鑄就 cast into; 鑄成大錯 make a permanent mistake, to make grave mistake; 鑄山煮海 mining and making salt by distilling sea water.
| Words | 1. 鑄模 [zhu4mo2], n., mold for casting, matrix. 2. 鑄鐵 [zhu4tie3], n., cast iron; pig iron.