释义 |
鎔鎔 | 1112A20 81A.40-6 | 部居
 | 畫數 18 | ㄖㄨㄥˊ [rong2] . [Var.熔] | N. | A mold for casting: 上之化下,下之從上,猶金之在鎔 the relationship between the ruler and the ruled is like the shaping of molten ore in a mold.
| V.t. | Smelt, fuse (largely interch. 溶): 鎔冶 melt (ore); 鎔銷 ditto; 鎔化 [rong2hua4]↓; 鎔解 [rong2jie3]↓.
| Words | 1. 鎔點 [rong2dian3], n., (phys.) the melting point (also 鎔融度). 2. 鎔度 [rong2du4], n., ditto. 3. 鎔化 [rong2hua4], v.i. & t., melt, fuse, (cause to) become liquid through heating. 4. 鎔解 [rong2jie3], v.i. & t., ditto. 5. 鎔劑 [rong2ji4], n., melting agent. 6. 鎔金鍋 [rong2jin1guo1], n., a crucible, a melting pot (also 坩堝). 7. 鎔融 [rong2rong2], v.i. & t., =鎔解 [rong2jie3]↑. 8. 鎔岩 [rong2yan2], n., (geol.) lava when solidified into rocks.