释义 |
鍾鍾 | 1108A45 81A.11-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 17 | ㄓㄨㄥ [zhong1] . [Dist.鐘] | N. | (1) (AC) u.f. 鐘 81A.11. (2) An anc. measure (of grain) defined as 64 斗 ([dou3]). (3) A wine goblet. (4) A surname.
| V.i. & t. | (1) To love, cherish: 鍾愛,鍾情 [zhong1ai4], [zhong1qing2]↓. (2) To impregnate with: 鍾天地靈氣 impregnated with the fine spirits of the universe-resulting in producing of talents or beauties. (3) (AC) to gather: 情之所鍾 when the love is concentrated on one person.
| Words | 1. 鍾愛 [zhong1ai4], v.i., fail in love with (girl): 鍾愛於她. 2. 鍾情 [zhong1qing2], v.i., fall in love: 一見鍾情 love at first sight. 3. 鍾馗 [zhong1kui2], n., (pop. myth.) person reputed for subjugating demons.