释义 |
鋸鋸 | 1111C45 81A.40-5 | 部居
 | 畫數 16 | ㄐㄩˋ [jU4] (*ㄐㄩ [jU1] ). | N. | A saw: 刀鋸 anc. instruments of punishment for cutting and maiming; 鋼鋸 a steel saw; 鋼絲鋸 a coping saw; 拉鋸戰 a seesaw battle.
| V.t. | (1) To cut with a saw: 鋸斷 to saw asunder; 鋸開 to saw in two. (*[jU1]) Mend (crockery).
| Words | 1. 鋸扯 [jU4che3], (1) v.i., be irresolute, waver, vacillate; (2) v.t., to cut with a blunt knife. 2. 鋸齒 [jU4chi3], n., the teeth of a saw. 3. 鋸子 *[jU1zi0], n., a saw. 4. 鋸碗兒的 *[jU1wa3er0de0], n., a pedlar who mends crockery.