释义 |
銜銜 | 1287A50 91B.00-6 | 部居
 | 畫數 14 | ㄒㄧㄢˊ [xian2] . [Related含 ㄏㄢˊ [han2] ] | N. | (1) THe bit in horse's mouth. (2) Official rank: 官銜,職銜,頭銜 ditto; 虛銜 an empty title.
| V.t. | (1) To bit, hold in mouth: see 銜枚,銜環, etc. [xian2mei2], [xian2huan2]↓; 銜尾 (animals) arrive in packs (snouts and tails together). (2) To carry (official order): 銜令,銜命 ditto. (3) To harbor (hatred, grudge), to cherish (gratitude), nurse (sorrow).
| Words | 1. 銜璧 [xian2bi4], phr., (AC) to surrender by carrying a piece of jade in mouth as pledge. 2. 銜泣 [xian2qi4], v.i., to sob. 3. 銜恩 [xian2en1], v.i., to cherish gratitude. 4. 銜感 [xian2gan3], v.i., ditto. 5. 銜恨 [xian2hen4], v.i., harbor a grudge. 6. 銜環 [xian2huan2], phr., (allu.) a bird returns with rings in its mouth thanking owner for freedom: 銜環以報 will repay with gratitude. 7. 銜接 [xian2jie1], v.i., (two sections) connect up: 不相銜接 do not connect up properly. 8. 銜結 [xian2jie2], phr., from 結草銜環 [xian2huan2]↑. 9. 銜勒 [xian2le4], v.i., horse's bit and reins. 10. 銜枚 [xian2mei2], phr., ancient custom of making soldiers march at night, biting a piece of wood in mouth, to prevent making noise; a custom of sending prisoner to execution gagged with piece of wood to prevent protesting innocence. 11. 銜名 [xian2ming2], n., name and surname and rank of office, as shown on calling cards. 12. 銜轡 [xian2pei4], n., bridle and reins. 13. 銜恤 [xian2xU4], v.i., (1) nurse a sorrow; (2) meet with death of parents. 14. 銜冤 [xian2yUan2], v.i., to suffer a miscarriage of justice: 銜冤而死 die with one's name uncleared.