释义 |
銅銅 | 1115A50 81A.42-4 | 部居
 | 畫數 14 | ㄊㄨㄥˊ [tong2] | N. | (Chem.) copper, brass, bronze: 紅銅,赤銅 copper; 白銅 copper zinc alloy; 黃銅 brass; 古銅,青銅 bronze; 銅礦 copper mine; 銅器 bronze utensils; 銅器時代 Bronze Age; 銅匠 coppersmith; 銅落,銅屑 copper shavings; 銅錢 copper coins; 銅人,銅像 bronze statue; 銅鑼,銅鉦 brass gong; 銅葉子 copper foil; 銅印,銅瓦 copper seal, tile; 銅臭 (derog.) filthy rich in sense of “ostentatious” or placing too much value on money; copper as symbol of strength, in comb. with “iron”: 銅筋鐵骨 a body of iron; 銅盔鐵甲 brass helmets and iron armor; 銅頭鐵額 head of iron--extremely courageous; 銅斗兒家私 (coll.) family of great means; 銅琵琶板 (of wartime manifestoes, etc.) extremely moving message; 銅駝荊棘 bronze camels buried in brambles--ruins of fallen royal house.
| Words | 1. 銅板 [tong2ban3]1, copper coin; [tong2ban3]1, (fig.) money: 這個人有幾個銅板,就忘其所以 this man gets a swelled head the moment he has a little money. 2. 銅版 [tong2ban3]2, n., copper plates for printing. 3. 銅鈸 [tong2ba2], n., brass cymbals. 4. 銅幣 [tong2bi4], n., copper coins. 5. 銅器 [tong2qi4], n., bronze utensils. 6. 銅青 [tong2qing1], n., verdigris (also 銅綠). 7. 銅管音樂 [tong2guan3yin1yUe4], n., brass instrument. 8. 銅壼 [tong2hu2], n., clepsydra, ancient water clock with markings of hours on copper bowl (also called 銅漏). 9. 銅角 [tong2jiao3], n., Chin. brass trumpet. 10. 銅龍 [tong2long2], n., (1) anc. water clock with copper dragon's head; (2) a kind of faucet. 11. 銅綠 [tong2lU4], n., verdigris. 12. 銅模 [tong2mo2], n., copper matrix for Chin. lead type. 13. 銅盆帽 [tong2pen2mao4], n., formerly, the European felt hat, resembling inverted copper bowl. 14. 銅子(兒) [tong2zi3] ([tong2tzeeer0]), n., a copper coin (=1 cent). 15. 銅元 [tong2yUan2], n., a copper coin (also 銅圓).